
Aspen Forum

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Press Releases

Aspen Panel – Data and Trade

Digital goods and services represent an increasingly large part of the U.S. and global economies and are only just beginning to be considered in the context of international trade. While digital trade can be an important component of economic growth, a thriving future is not guaranteed. Policies like data localization laws, internet governance rules that affect how data flows around the globe, and potential mistrust created by intrusive government surveillance, to name a few, can all act as digital trade barriers. The panel “Data and Trade” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum assembles a group of experts on trade and data flows to explore these issues and the future of digital trade.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel – Copyright Protection: Government vs. Voluntary Arrangements

Attempts to mitigate the harms associated with digital piracy have yielded a variety of approaches, including legal digital sales channels, government intervention (such as the shutdown of Megaupload), and voluntary industry-level cooperation (such as the Copyright Alert System in the U.S.). Participants on the panel “Copyright Protection: Government vs. Voluntary Arrangements” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will discuss empirical evidence on the effectiveness of these initiatives, and legal and policy theories regarding the appropriateness of these initiatives to serve the interests of the creative industries, the technology industries, and society.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel: Political Economy of Telecom Reform

Calls for a new Telecommunications Act have been growing, with proponents citing problems with the FCC’s “siloed” structure in light of the increasing convergence of industries that compete in each other’s markets. However, similar concerns motivated the 1996 legislation. How has the political landscape changed since the 1996 Act, and can new legislation be successful? Participants on the panel, “Political Economy of Telecom Reform” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will discuss such questions as: what, beyond market and technological changes, is motivating calls for telecom reform now; how can the process surrounding the 1996 Act inform development of a new Act today; what interest groups are involved, what are their incentives, and how have these groups and their interests changed since 1996?

Press Releases

Aspen Panel: Targeting a Secure Future

No government agency or private corporation is immune today from cyber-attack, network penetration and loss of sensitive data. The panel “Targeting a Secure Future” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will examine whether the current approach to cyber-security is making any headway against this epidemic. Panelists, including key federal policymakers and private sector experts, will explore the government’s responsibility to protect the private sector as well as companies’ obligations (and abilities) to protect their own networks. Given that an effective public-private partnership is broadly viewed as necessary to advance cybersecurity, the panelists will also address whether treating companies that have been hacked as culprits, rather than victims, is sound public policy.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel – Internet Governance in Transition: What’s the Destination?

The U.S. government’s decision to relinquish its historic role in Internet governance has raised questions regarding what’s next for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and, more generally, who will be making policy decisions about the future of the Internet. The panel “Internet Governance in Transition: What’s the Destination?” at the Technology Policy Institute’s 2014 Aspen Forum, will bring together a diverse group of experts to discuss critical internet governance issues.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel: Innovation and Privacy in the Era of Big Data

Advances in the ability to collect and analyze massive amounts of data is revolutionizing the way data are used in both the both the public and private sectors. In the past year, both the White House and the Federal Trade Commission have released reports on this issue, both touting the benefits of big data while warning of possible consumer harms. Participants on the panel “Innovation and Privacy in the Era of Big Data” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will address questions related to big data.

Press Releases

Registration Now Open for TPI Aspen Forum

Online registration is now open for the 2014 Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum, scheduled this year for August 17 – 19. The TPI Aspen Forum brings together leaders from business, government, and academia to discuss key public policy issues affecting information and communications technology. This year’s theme is, “Tech in Transition: Policy Challenges.”

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