Aspen Panel: Innovation and Privacy in the Era of Big Data

Aspen Panel: Innovation and Privacy in the Era of Big Data

Discount Registration Rate Offered Through July 1st

Contact: Amy Smorodin
(202) 828-4405

June 19, 2014 – Advances in the ability to collect and analyze massive amounts of data is revolutionizing the way data are used in both the both the public and private sectors. In the past year, both the White House and the Federal Trade Commission have released reports on this issue, both touting the benefits of big data while warning of possible consumer harms. Participants on the panel “Innovation and Privacy in the Era of Big Data” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will address questions related to big data, including:

Does the way big data are used raise new and different privacy issues?

Are those concerns different in the public and private sector?

Does the advent of big data suggest a refocusing of privacy policy?

How should policy maximize the innovative potential of big data?

Confirmed panelists are:

  • Marjory Blumenthal, Executive Director, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Tony Hadley, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Experian
  • David Lieber, Senior Privacy Policy Counsel, Google
  • Hon. Maureen Ohlhausen, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission
  • Max Simkoff, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Evolv

The discussion will be moderated by Thomas Lenard, TPI President and Senior Fellow.

The TPI Aspen Forum preliminary agenda is available and registration can be performed on the TPI website. A discounted rate is available through July 1. For additional information, please contact Jane Creel at [email protected]. Members of the press can contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected] for complimentary registration.

The Technology Policy Institute

The Technology Policy Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization that focuses on the economics of innovation, technological change, and related regulation in the United States and around the world. More information is available at

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