
Aspen Forum

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Press Releases

FTC Chair Edith Ramirez to Keynote TPI Aspen Forum

Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez will be the opening day keynote luncheon speaker at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 18 – 20. In her remarks, Chairwoman Ramirez is expected to discuss the Commission’s work and role in consumer privacy issues.

Press Releases

Aspen Breakout Sessions Address Key Policy Issues

The Technology Policy Institute has confirmed presenters for the 2013 Aspen Forum breakout sessions. The three informal, off-the-record breakout sessions will cover the pertinent topics of patents and IT, copyright and the digital economy, and clearing or sharing government spectrum for private sector use. The Aspen Forum is scheduled for August 18 – 20.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel: Privacy, Data Security and Trade – Policy Choices

Europe and the U.S. have distinctly different approaches to data and online privacy. In Europe, privacy is considered a fundamental right, a concept reflected in EU draft general data protection regulation currently under consideration. The U.S. is increasingly relying on multistakeholder processes, such as the ones at the W3C and the NTIA to try to develop consensus standards around which various groups can coalesce. How will the different approaches to data protection be reconciled? How will they play out in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations involving trade in digital goods and cross-border data flows? How will the recent revelations about the PRISM surveillance program complicate negotiation and cooperation going forward? Participants on the panel “Privacy, Data Security and Trade – Policy Choices” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will give their views on these issues.

Press Releases

Aspen Panel: Communications and IT – What Can We Expect from Congress?

Top issues being examined by Congress, from immigration to identity theft, have the potential to greatly affect the technology and communications industries. How are the issues taking shape in Congressional Committees? What’s the forecast for action on matters of import to tech? The panel “Communications and IT – What Can We Expect from Congress?” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will cover topics such as online privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, video and media, telecommunications and the transition to IP networks.

Press Releases

“A Conversation with the Commissioners” at TPI Aspen Forum

The closing luncheon at this year’s Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 18 – 20, will feature “A Conversation with the Commissioners,” with FTC Commissioners Julie Brill and Joshua Wright. The Federal Trade Commission has found itself increasingly in the spotlight on high profile technology policy issues including privacy and data security, competition and antitrust, and intellectual property protection. The discussion, which will be moderated by Politico technology reporter Tony Romm, will touch on these and other issues.

Press Releases

Dish Network’s Dodge, TPI’s Crandall to Open Aspen Forum

R. Stanton Dodge, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Colorado-based Dish Network will offer welcoming remarks at the Sunday evening opening reception of this year’s TPI Aspen Forum. The conference is scheduled for August 18 – 20 in Aspen, Colorado. Robert W. Crandall, TPI Adjunct Senior Fellow and Nonresident Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution, is scheduled to open the Monday morning session of the conference. Crandall, one of the nation’s most prominent industrial organization and telecommunications economists, will discuss the future of broadband policy and how to avoid repeating past mistakes. Specifically, he will discuss how policy should be informed by the results of past interventions as well as by an accurate assessment of current market conditions.

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