
Aspen Panel: Political Economy of Telecom Reform

Aspen Panel: Political Economy of Telecom Reform

Register Now for TPI Aspen Forum, August 17 – 19

Contact: Amy Smorodin
(202) 828-4405

July 17, 2014 – Calls for a new Telecommunications Act have been growing, with proponents citing problems with the FCC’s “siloed” structure in light of the increasing convergence of industries that compete in each other’s markets. However, similar concerns motivated the 1996 legislation. How has the political landscape changed since the 1996 Act, and can new legislation be successful? Participants on the panel, “Political Economy of Telecom Reform” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum will discuss such questions as: what, beyond market and technological changes, is motivating calls for telecom reform now; how can the process surrounding the 1996 Act inform development of a new Act today; what interest groups are involved, what are their incentives, and how have these groups and their interests changed since 1996?

Confirmed panelists are:

Hon. Rick Boucher, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP; former Chair, US House Subcommittee on Communications Technology and the Internet; Honorary Chair, Internet Innovation Alliance

Peter Davidson, Senior Vice President, Federal Government Relations, Verizon

Roger Noll, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, and Co-Director, Program on Regulatory Policy, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Stanford University

Philip Weiser, Dean, University of Colorado Law School; Executive Director and Founder, Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship

The discussion will be moderated by Scott Wallsten, Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow at TPI.

An updated TPI Aspen Forum agenda is now available and registration can be performed on the TPI website. For additional information, please contact Jane Creel at [email protected]. Members of the press can contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected] for complimentary registration.

The Technology Policy Institute

The Technology Policy Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization that focuses on the economics of innovation, technological change, and related regulation in the United States and around the world. More information is available at https://techpolicyinstitute.org/.

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