
Aspen Forum

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Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum Panel: Congress and the FCC after Title II

Once upon a time, opinions on telecommunications policy, while divisive, did not generally split along political party lines. That has been steadily changing, as best exemplified by the FCC’s Open Internet Order. But as one analyst recently observed, “we would all be well served to engage these questions [of net neutrality and Title II reclassification] as questions of economics rather than morality plays about good and evil.” So what do the economics imply about these issues and why do policymakers draw different conclusions from economic analysis? Will Congress be satisfied to wait until the courts render their verdicts on the Order, or is there a sense that Congress no longer believes the agency reflects its general preferences and therefore will force changes? Participants in the panel “Congress and the FCC after Title II” will discuss these and other issues at the 2015 TPI Aspen Forum.

Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum Panel Universal Service: Towards Broadband, Efficiency and Equity

The Universal Service Fund, originally intended to subsidize voice communications for rural and low-income consumers, is steadily transitioning to focus on broadband. In 2011, the High-Cost Fund became the “Connect America” Fund and began to subsidize rural broadband. This year, the White House announced the “ConnectED” program, which increased funding to the Schools and Libraries E-Rate program. And the FCC is currently considering how the Lifeline program can subsidize broadband, rather than voice, connections for low-income people and whether to make subsidies available to even more rural providers.

Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum Panel: Whose Rules? Internet Regulations in a Global Economy

With virtually every country, regional group, and intergovernmental organization focusing on promoting and regulating aspects of the Internet, the tech industry is often faced with differing rules and attitudes towards privacy, antitrust, net neutrality and other regulatory issues affecting internet platforms. Will the results be the death of the internet economy by a thousand, well-intentioned governmental acts, or a safer, more globally accepted internet world? The discussion panel “Whose Rules? Internet Regulations in a Global Economy” at the 2015 TPI Aspen Forum, will focus on the practical issues facing companies, governments, and others trying to work in or regulate an environment with constantly changing technologies and services, as well as increasingly complex and often conflicting rules and policies.

Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum: Updated Agenda Now Available

An updated agenda is available for the Technology Policy Institute’s 2015 Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 16 – 18. Registration for the signature event can be performed on the TPI website and reduced fees are offered until July 1.

Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum Opening Panel: Fall and Rise of the Regulatory State

Today’s policymakers, particularly in the technology space, seem to favor preemptive interventions consistent with the “precautionary principle” of regulation. This holds that it is better to prevent problems before they happen but eschews cost-benefit analysis when creating rules. In contrast, previous academic research documenting regulatory costs led to a loosening of regulatory regimes. What accounts for the newfound infatuation with the regulatory state? An all-star panel of academics will discuss this shift in attitudes towards the regulatory state and its possible consequences during the opening session: “Fall and Rise of the Regulatory State” at this year’s TPI Aspen Forum.

Press Releases

TPI Aspen Forum: Working Agenda Now Available

A working agenda is now available for the Technology Policy Institute’s 2015 Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 16 – 18. Registration for the signature event can be performed on the TPI website and reduced fees are offered until July 1.

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