8:30 am – 10:30 am
Friday, October 25, 2013
City Club of Washington
555 13th Street, NW
Washington, DC
Barely two years after enactment of the first major patent reform legislation in years, serious concerns remain that the patent system, particularly as applied to software, is characterized by wasteful litigation that ultimately is harmful to innovation. Major complaints involve patent assertion entities (PAEs), also known as patent trolls. In response, the Federal Trade Commission has held workshops and issued reports, and the White House has proposed a number of administrative and legislative actions. Congress is poised to act, with a half dozen bills pending.
Nevertheless, a lot is still unknown about PAEs and the effects of proposed reforms, as indicated in a recent speech by FTC Chairwoman Ramirez. While acknowledging the adverse impact of PAEs, the Chairwoman stated that “analysis of the costs and benefits of PAE activities remains limited.” The FTC has just announced a more comprehensive study.
How much do we know about the benefits and costs of PAE activities? Are PAEs the problem, or are they a symptom of problems with the patent system itself, particularly as applied to software? Are the remedial measures currently under consideration likely to yield net improvements? This panel will address these and other questions related to PAE activity and the pending reform measures. Confirmed speakers include:
- Peter Detkin, Founder and Vice-Chairman, Intellectual Ventures
- John Duffy, Samuel H. McCoy II Professor of Law and Armistead M. Dobie Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law
- Matt Levy, Patent Counsel, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA)
- Michael Meurer, Abraham and Lillian Benton Scholar and Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law
- Thomas Lenard (moderator), President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
“Patent Reform 2.0: Will Proposed Reforms Address the Patent Troll Problems?” will be held Friday, October 25, 2013 from 8:30am to 10:30 am at the City Club, located at 555 13th Street, NW, in Washington, DC. Registration is now closed. Questions should be directed to Ashley Benjamin at [email protected]. Members of the press should contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected].