Net Neutrality
Research Roundup: Cyber Security, Network Neutrality and More
Net Neutrality Regulation’s First Target: Small Wireless Competitors?
Peering or End of the Internet as we know It?
Antitrust and Vertical Integration in ‘New Economy’ Industries
The FCC Tries to Find Its Way
Regulating the Internet
2009 IGF Workshop on Net Neutrality
The workshop discussed the accuracy of a very term of Network Neutrality in opposition to a term of Open Internet. It further discussed economics and engineering aspects of networks and how network management regulation might affect those investments. It also discussed the end-user perspective, need for transparency and a freedom of choice. As a cross-cutting issue, the implications to the digital divide and development were examined. Needs for policy and regulatory approaches towards network management were questioned and discussed, including analysing several experiences on national levels.
Lenard Files Comments with the FCC In the Matter of Preserving the Open Internet Broadband Industry Practices
These comments supplement those that I submitted in response to the Commission‟s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Preserving the Open Internet during the initial comment period.2 The purpose of these reply comments is to address the recommendation of several public interest groups to reclassify broadband as a Title II service subject to traditional common carrier regulation.3 Press reports suggest that the Commission is seriously considering implementing this recommendation
Lenard Files Comments with FCC on Broadband Study Conducted by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society
Lenard Files Comments with FCC on Broadband Study Conducted by the Berkman Center