The Latest
- TPI’s Scott Wallsten testified at the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Future of Rural Broadband hearing. Read the four points about broadband subsidies he tried to hammer home.
- TPI economists Tom Lenard, Scott Wallsten, and Sarah Oh Lam commented on the 2023 DOJ/FTC Draft Merger Guidelines, arguing the Draft Guidelines overlook impact on consumers and would reduce objectivity in antitrust enforcement.
- 2023 TPI Aspen Forum videos are now available! Catch up on all the insightful and thought-provoking discussions from the 15 panels, keynotes, and fireside chats.
- It’s not too early to mark your calendars for the 2024 TPI Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 18-20, again at the Aspen St. Regis. Stay tuned for more details and register today.
ChatTPI’s Report: Analyzing the Headlines
Have you ever wanted to consult TPI on the issue of the day? Now you can!
Here’s what ChatTPI has to say about Title II and net neutrality:

Ask ChatTPI your questions on the news for analysis sourced from TPI’s library of original research, events, podcasts, and more!
Charts of the Fortnight

In 2022, USAC spent $328 million managing the Universal Service Fund, while the FCC’s entire budget was $382.

The number of FTC enforcement actions has been fairly stable over the past 15 years.
Staff Highlight – Jane Creel!
Meet Jane, TPI’s VP of Finance and Operations! Many of you already know Jane through her work on TPI’s annual Aspen Forum. She also directs TPI’s efforts to build sustainable relationships with our generous donors and external partners. If you’ve met her, you know she stays cool under pressure but isn’t afraid to “drop the occasional f-bomb to drive a point home and keep things real.”

What are you binging right now?
“I am a huge fan of all things Real Housewives and love the Real Housewives of New York Next-Gen Reboot. The Bear is my new favorite series!”
What’s your favorite TPI memory?
“When Jeff Bezos told me that every team needs a Jane.”
What are you working on right now?
“I’m playing catch-up with all those essential tasks that were temporarily relegated to the back burner during the production of #TPIAspen.”
Want to chat with Jane about donations, TPI Aspen, or her 25-year career in tech public policy? Reach out at [email protected]!