Technology Policy Institute’s Aspen Forum to Include Techlash Debate

Technology Policy Institute’s Aspen Forum to Include Techlash Debate

WASHINGTON (July 9, 2019) The remarkable benefits of the digital revolution once meant that Silicon Valley innovators could do no wrong. Today, those same companies are, rightly or wrongly, being blamed for a range of political, economic and social ills, and for being big and powerful.

This phenomenon is global, and it has become a dictionary word – Techlash.

To better understand and grapple with this development, the Technology Policy Institute has recruited several experts for a panel discussion, “Techlash: Why Did it Happen and How to Respond,” at TPI’s Aspen Forum next month.

On day two of the August 18-20 conference held annually at the St. Regis hotel in Aspen, Colorado, Thomas Lenard, a TPI senior fellow and president emeritus, will moderate the panel that includes:

  • Jane Bambauer, Professor of Law, University of Arizona and Director, Program on Economics & Privacy, George Mason University Law School
  • Andrew Keen, Author, Founder & Executive Producer, FutureCast, and Contributor, TechCrunch
  • Randal C. Picker, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, Senior Fellow at the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago Law School
  • Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google

“This panel will debate the origins and validity of Techlash critiques and the appropriate responses by government and the companies themselves,” said Technology Policy President and Senior Fellow Scott Wallsten. “However it ends – with an agreement or an agreement to disagree – it will shed light on related technology policy issues.”

Register today to discuss this and other important tech policy issues at #TPIAspen.

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