Electric power is one of the last major regulated industries to undergo some form of ?liberalization.? One of the most important steps has been creating regional transmission organizations (RTOs) in major regions of the country. RTOs are independent non-profit entities that operate utility-owned transmission networks. They are intended to increase competition and efficiency in the market for wholesale power, which should lead to lower wholesale prices. This paper tests whether RTOs have, in fact, achieved this goal.
Research Papers
DTV coupon program mainly benefits retailers, not consumers
TPI vice president for research and senior fellow Scott Wallsten finds that the government’s DTV coupon program has increased the price of digital-to-analog converter boxes by $21-$34, meaning that the subsidy is primarily benefiting retailers rather than consumers. The $40 coupons made available to all households means that consumers pay $0 for any retail price less than $40 for eligible boxes, thus diminishing price competition among retailers.
Reverse Auctions and Universal Telecommunications Service: Lessons from Global Experience
The United States now spends around $7 billion on universal service programs?subsidies intended to ensure that the entire country has access to telecommunications services. Most of this money supports telecommunications service in ?high cost? (primarily rural) areas, and the High Cost fund is growing quickly. In response to this growth, policymakers are considering using reverse auctions, or bids for the minimum subsidy, as a way to reduce expenditures. While the U.S. has not yet distributed funds for universal service programs using reverse auctions, the method has been used widely.
Whence Competition in Network Industries? Broadband and Unbundling Regulations in OECD Countries
Wallsten, Scott. “Whence Competition in Network Industries? Broadband and Unbundling Regulations in OECD Countries” December 2007
Privacy and the Commercial Use of Personal Information: The Case of Customer Proprietary Network Information
Lenard, Thomas, Paul Rubin. “Privacy and the Commercial Use of Personal Information: The Case of Customer Proprietary Network Information.” August 2007.
Comments to the Federal Communications Commission – Antitrust, Two-Sided Markets, and Platform Competition: The Case of the XM-Sirius Merger
Wallsten, Scott. “Comments to the Federal Communications Commission – Antitrust, Two-Sided Markets, and Platform Competition: The Case of the XM-Sirius Merger.” July 2007.
DACA Report from the Working Group on New Spectrum Policy, Release 1.0
Lenard, Thomas M. and Lawrence J. White. DACA Report from the Working Group on New Spectrum Policy, Release 1.0. March 2006.
An Economic Analysis of Notification Requirements for Data Security Breaches
Lenard, Thomas M. and Paul H. Rubin. “An Economic Analysis of Notification Requirements for Data Security Breaches.” Progress on Point 12.12. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, July 2005.
The Streamlined Sales Tax Project: An Initiative Whose Time has Not Yet Come
Lenard, Thomas M. and Stephen McGonegal. “The Streamlined Sales Tax Project: An Initiative Whose Time has Not Yet Come.” Milken Institute Review, May 2005.
Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown
Lenard, Thomas M. “Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown.” April 2005.