Comments filed with the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President on “Development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Plan” March 14, 2025
BlogWe Need a New Definition of AIDecember 18, 2023Nathaniel LovinSenators Hawley (R-MO) and Blumenthal (D-CT) have recently been pushing proposed legislation to exclude…
Testimony and FilingsComments Filed with the Federal Communications Commission on the Matter ofSafeguarding and Securing the Open InternetDecember 14, 2023Scott Wallsten, Sarah Oh Lam and Thomas M. LenardThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed classifying Broadband Internet Access (BIAS)…
Testimony and FilingsBRIEF OF THE TECHNOLOGY POLICY INSTITUTE AS AMICUS CURIAE IN SUPPORT OF NEITHER PARTY In the FL v. NetChoice CaseDecember 9, 2023Sarah Oh Lam, Thomas M. Lenard and Scott Wallsten
Research PapersTowards a More Vigorous Antitrust Policy?December 7, 2023Robert CrandallThe growth of the large, “dominant” digital platforms – as well as…
PodcastsAn Autocrat’s Dilemma: Boosting Domestic Business Profits at the Expense of Research Quality with Dr. Meicen Sun on Two Think MinimumDecember 6, 2023Scott Wallsten and Meicen SunTwo Think Minimum · An Autocrat's Dilemma: Boosting Domestic Business Profits at…
Research PapersShould Satellite Broadband Be Included in Universal Service Subsidy Programs?December 4, 2023Gregory L. Rosston and Scott Wallsten
PodcastsFreedom of Speech in the Digital Age with Professor Jeff KosseffNovember 30, 2023Thomas M. Lenard, Sarah Oh Lam and Jeff KosseffTwo Think Minimum · Freedom of Speech in the Digital Age with…
BlogPrivacy Preferences Differ by Gender and Age, But Not by IncomeNovember 20, 2023Jeffrey Prince and Scott WallstenData privacy is a big issue. Europe’s GDPR and California’s CCPA are…
PodcastsUnpacking US-China Tech Policies with Xiaomeng Lu on Two Think MInimumNovember 17, 2023Xiaomeng Lu, Sarah Oh Lam and Scott WallstenTwo Think Minimum · Xiaomeng Lu on the CHIPS Act and its…
Event MultimediaWhat are the Implications of USTR’s Changing Position on Digital Free Trade?: Key Takeaways and Panel VideoNovember 9, 2023TPIEvent Transcript High-Level Summary: The USTR’s unexpected policy shift from opposing to…