Wallsten, Scott. “Doing the Hustle at the FCC.” July 2007.
High-speed data connections, or broadband, are critical to the economy. Our work on broadband covers a wide range of topics, including the digital divide, wireline and wireless provision, spectrum, net neutrality, competition, and more.
Comments to the Federal Communications Commission – Antitrust, Two-Sided Markets, and Platform Competition: The Case of the XM-Sirius Merger
Wallsten, Scott. “Comments to the Federal Communications Commission – Antitrust, Two-Sided Markets, and Platform Competition: The Case of the XM-Sirius Merger.” July 2007.
Comments to the Federal Communications Commission Regarding Broadband Industry Practices
Lenard, Thomas. “Comments to the Federal Communications Commission Regarding Broadband Industry Practices.” June 14, 2007.
Communications, Broadband and Competitiveness: How Does the U.S. Measure Up?” Testimony before the Committee on Science, Commerce, and Transportation, U.S. Senate
Wallsten, Scott. “Communications, Broadband and Competitiveness: How Does the U.S. Measure Up?” Testimony before the Committee on Science, Commerce, and Transportation, U.S. Senate, April 24, 2007.
Great Branding, Bad Policies: The Flaws of Open Access Regulations
Wallsten, Scott. “Great Branding, Bad Policies: The Flaws of Open Access Regulations.” April 2007.
Vista, Open Access and Net Neutrality
Lenard, Thomas M. “Vista, Open Access and Net Neutrality.” November 2006.
Perspective: Time to Rethink Set-Top Box Regulation
Lenard, Thomas M. “Perspective: Time to Rethink Set-Top Box Regulation.” CNET, September 28, 2006.
Why Don’t We Just Auction the ‘White Space’?
Lenard, Thomas M. “Why Don’t We Just Auction the ‘White Space’?” CNET, May 16, 2006.
DACA Report from the Working Group on New Spectrum Policy, Release 1.0
Lenard, Thomas M. and Lawrence J. White. DACA Report from the Working Group on New Spectrum Policy, Release 1.0. March 2006.
Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown
Lenard, Thomas M. “Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown.” April 2005.