2012 Forum Scheduled for August 19 – 21
Contact: Amy Smorodin
(202) 828-4405
July 23, 2012 – Philip Falcone, Chief Executive Officer of Harbinger Capital Partners, will be the featured dinner speaker at the Technology Policy Institute’s 2012 Aspen Forum, scheduled for August 19 – 21. Falcone, is expected to share his perspective on investment and innovation in the communications industry, including his views on spectrum and broadband policy.
Mr. Falcone began investing in the telecommunications industry over a decade ago, believing that this sector would provide countless opportunity for growth in technology, innovation and education. During this time, these investments have led to the development of cutting-edge technologies that promote spectral efficiency, such as a chipset that allows for seamless communication between satellite and ground services in a single mobile device. He currently serves on the board of directors of LightSquared, a telecommunications company that provides critical satellite communications services to first responders and public safety officials across the country and is looking to expand that business to build a nationwide wireless broadband network. Before founding Harbinger Capital, Falcone served as Head of High Yield trading for Barclays Capital and managed the Barclays High Yield and Distressed trading operations. Falcone held a similar position with Gleacher Natwest, Inc., He began his career at Kidder, Peabody & Co. trading high yield and distressed securities.
Additional keynote speakers at the 2012 Aspen Forum include Erik Brynjolfsson from MIT, The Wall Street Journal’s Gordon Crovitz, Google’s General Counsel, Kent Walker, Jon Summers, Senior Vice President, Applications and Service Infrastructure for AT&T, and author Andrew Keen.
The event will also feature panel discussions on such topics as:
The Internet Ecosystem: Policy Issues for the Next Four Years
Internet Governance in the 21st Century: Global Considerations
Platform Competition on the Internet: Implications for Antitrust
Multistakeholder Processes for Privacy: Regulation, Self-Regulation or Markets
Copyright and Piracy after SOPA/PIPA: Finding Common Ground
The Future of Internet Economics
Cybersecurity: Public and Private Roles
Registration for the Aspen Forum can be performed on the TPI website. For additional information, please contact Jane Creel at [email protected]. Members of the press can contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected].
The Technology Policy Institute
The Technology Policy Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization that focuses on the economics of innovation, technological change, and related regulation in the United States and around the world. More information is available at https://techpolicyinstitute.org.