Updated Event Agenda- Competition, Net Neutrality and Other Issues Facing the New FCC

Updated Event Agenda- Competition, Net Neutrality and Other Issues Facing the New FCC

The incoming Federal Communications Commission Chairman and new Commissioner, along with the existing members, will need to take action on a host of major issues. The Commission will have to make decisions about net neutrality regardless of how the court rules, navigate competing interests in the upcoming spectrum auctions, and determine how to address competition, to name a few.

Former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt and Gregory Rosston, SIEPR Deputy Director and former FCC Deputy Chief Economist, recently released the paper “Articulating A Modern Approach to FCC Competition Policy,” offering guidance to the incoming FCC on some of these issues. Panelists at this event will discuss the role of competition policy in FCC regulation and, more generally, how the new makeup of the FCC can move forward on issues that will lay the groundwork for the modern communications industry.

8:30 am – 10:30 am
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
City Club of Washington
555 13th Street, NW
Washington DC


8:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 am Panel Discussion
Jim Cicconi, Senior Executive Vice President, External and Legislative Affairs, AT&T
Reed Hundt, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
Scott Wallsten (moderator), Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

9:30 am Panel Discussion
Sharon Gillett, Principal Technology Policy Strategist, Microsoft
Thomas Hazlett, Professor of Law & Economics and Director, Information Economy Project, George Mason University School of Law
John Mayo, Professor of Economics, Business and Public Policy, McDonough School of Business, and Executive Director, Center on Business and Public Policy, Georgetown University
Scott Wallsten (moderator), Vice President for Research and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

10:30 am Adjourn

“Competition, Net Neutrality and Other Issues Facing the New FCC” will be held Tuesday, October 15, 2013 from 8:30am to 10:30 am at the City Club, located at 555 13th Street, NW, in Washington, DC. Registration can be performed on the TPI website. Questions should be directed to Ashley Benjamin at [email protected]. Members of the press should contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected].

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