Attend TPI’s Upcoming Conference to Find Out
Join the Technology Policy Institute November 15, 2018 at the Monaco Hotel (Paris Room), Washington DC for an in-depth look at the changing landscape of antitrust enforcement. The conference, Antitrust and the Platform Economy, will include a full slate of new papers scheduled to be published in the Review of Industrial Organization.
In addition, the conference includes a lunch discussion to mark the fortieth anniversary of Judge Robert Bork’s influential book The Antitrust Paradox. Judge Bork’s work led antitrust enforcement to focus on economic efficiency and consumer welfare rather than effects on competitors. With the rise of antitrust enforcement regimes around the world – as well as the rise of big technology companies – the legacy of The Antitrust Paradox is now being challenged in the United States and abroad.
The agenda is as follows:
9:00 AM – Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:15 AM – Opening Remarks
- Noah Phillips, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission
9:30 AM – Lessons from History
- The Dubious Antitrust Argument for Breaking up the Internet Giants
Robert Crandall, Technology Policy Institute - Antitrust in the Internet Era: The Legacy of United States v. A&P
Timothy Muris, George Mason University, Scalia Law School and Sidley Austin
Jonathan Nuechterlein, Sidley Austin - Discussant: Lawrence J. White, NYU Stern School of Business
10:30 AM – Multisided Markets, Big Data, and Consumer Welfare
- Multisided Markets, Big Data, and a Little Antitrust Policy
Michael Katz, University of California, Berkeley - The Misguided Assault on the Consumer Welfare Standard in the Age of Platform Markets
Douglas Melamed, Stanford Law School
Nicolas Petit, University of Liege, University of South Australia, and Stanford University, Hoover Institution - Discussant – Bruce Kobayashi, Federal Trade Commission
11:30 AM – Break
11:40 AM – Platforms and Market Definition
- Attention Platforms, the Value of Content, and Public Policy
David Evans, Global Economics Group and University College London - Burdens and Balancing in Multisided Markets: The First Principles Approach of Ohio et at. v. American Express
Joshua Wright and John Yun, George Mason University Scalia Law School - Discussant: Ginger Jin, University of Maryland
12:45 PM – Lunch Panel: 40 Years After the Antitrust Paradox
- Tim Brennan, Professor, Public Policy and Economics University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Susan Creighton, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
- Douglas Melamed, Stanford Law School
- Timothy Muris, George Mason University, Scalia Law School and Sidley Austin