Music Licensing: Innovations for Modern Times

Join us for a conference bringing together distinguished academics, industry representatives, and policy experts to discuss how the music licensing ecosystem can compensate the right people more transparently, fairly, and efficiently. The conference, which is jointly organized by the Technology Policy Institute and New York University School of Law’s Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy, will take place at NYU School of Law in NYC. The agenda and list of speakers are below.

The program, including continental breakfast, is free. Attendees must register in advance. For more information, contact [email protected].

Program Agenda

8:00 – 8:30 AM Welcome Reception and Breakfast
8:30 – 8:35 AM Opening Remarks
8:35 – 9:45 AM Roundtable 1:
How do we structure a modern digital music distribution music-licensing ecosystem to be more competitive and work more efficiently and fairly for all stakeholders?
9:45-10:00 AM Break
10:00 – 11:00 AM Roundtable 2:
Deep Dive into Digital Databases
11:00 – 11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Roundtable 3:
What Changes to the Current System Are Feasible that Would Facilitate a Transition to a More Competitive Market?
12:15-12:25 PM Closing Remarks
12:30 PM Conference ends

Confirmed speakers include:

Jacqueline Charlesworth (General Counsel and Associate Register of Copyrights, United States Copyright Office)

Dale Collins (Partner, Shearman & Sterling LLP; Adjunct Professor of Law, NYU School of Law)

Andrea Finkelstein (Senior Vice President, Business Affairs, SONY Music Entertainment)

James Griffin (Managing Director, OneHouse)

Michael Katz (U.C. Berkeley, Sarin Chair in Strategy and Leadership and professorships in both the Economics Department and the Haas School of Business)

Lee Knife (Executive Directors, Digital Media Association)

Thomas M. Lenard (President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute)

David Levin (Vice President, Digital Licensing Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI))

Steven Marks (Chief, Digital Business & General Counsel, Recording Industry Association of America)

Larry Miller (Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Music Business Program, at NYU Steinhardt)

Katherine Oyama (Senior Policy Counsel, Google, Inc.)

Casey Rae (Director of Music Licensing, Sirius XM)

Daniel Rubinfeld (Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law and Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley and Professor of Law at NYU)


Christopher Sprigman (Professor, NYU School of Law)

Lawrence J. White (Robert Kavesh Professor of Economics at New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business and Deputy Chair of the Economics Department at Stern)

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