Future of News Ratings and Media Trust with NewsGuard CEO Gordon Crovitz on Two Think MinimumJanuary 30, 2025
The TikTok Dilemma: Navigating the Intersection of National Security and Digital Speech January 16, 2025
BlogFrom Tokens to Context Windows: Simplifying AI JargonMarch 6, 2024Nathaniel Lovin, Scott Wallsten and Sarah Oh LamAI models are trained on trillions of tokens, billions of parameters, and…
BlogThe Boring Ways AI Is Revolutionizing My WorkFebruary 23, 2024Scott WallstenAI has its work cut out for itself. Apparently, it’s going to…
BlogWe Need a New Definition of AIDecember 18, 2023Nathaniel LovinSenators Hawley (R-MO) and Blumenthal (D-CT) have recently been pushing proposed legislation to exclude…
Research PapersComments on the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Title II By ChatTPIOctober 19, 2023TPI
PodcastsLarge Libel Models: Liability for AI Output with UCLA School of Law Professor Eugene Volokh on two think minimumAugust 3, 2023Eugene Volokh, Sarah Oh Lam and Scott WallstenTwo Think Minimum · Emerging AI Technologies with UCLA School of Law…
PodcastsAI and Tech in Europe with European Parliament’s Peter Brown on Two Think MinimumJuly 27, 2023Scott Wallsten and Peter BrownTwo Think Minimum · European Parliament’s Peter Brown 00:00:14.690 –> 00:00:24.439 Scott…
Press ReleasesIntroducing ChatTPIJuly 19, 2023Ashley BenjaminThe Technology Policy Institute (TPI) is thrilled to introduce ChatTPI.org, a generative…
PodcastsDr. Guy Ben-Ishai on the Economics of AIJune 30, 2023Sarah Oh Lam, Scott Wallsten and Guy Ben-IshaiTwo Think Minimum · Dr. Guy Ben-Ishai on the Economics of AI…