
Be it resolved: We need a new regulatory regime for digital platforms

TPI is pleased to announce Bonus Aspen content, open to everyone. We will be joined by Jason Furman, Professor of the Practice of Economics, Harvard and former chair, Council of Economic Advisers, and Joshua Wright, University Professor at Scalia Law School, George Mason University, and executive director Global Antitrust Institute, and former member, Federal Trade Commission, for a debate. Our very own Tom Lenard will moderate.

TPI Digital Regulatory Regime Debate: Bonus Aspen Content Open to All

Be it resolved: We need a new regulatory regime for digital platforms

For the resolution: Jason Furman
Against the resolution: Joshua Wright
Furman and Wright will debate the merits of adopting a new regulatory regime for large digital platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Over the last two years, at least four major reports from leading government and academic institutions have recommended proposals for further regulation, some including a new regulatory agency. Perhaps the most prominent of those reports was produced last year by the UK’s Digital Competition Expert Panel chaired by Jason Furman. The basic theme running through all these reports is that aggressive antitrust enforcement is not sufficient to constrain the market power of large digital platforms, and that we therefore need new regulations to supplement antitrust.

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