The Race for Space: Property Rights in Satellite Spectrum
TPI Winter Spectrum Series continues with a virtual panel and fireside chat to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the first spectrum auction by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1994. These auctions revolutionized the telecommunications industry. The last two of six events will be held on Monday, February 12.
Satellite spectrum usage is governed largely by legacy frameworks that may not be appropriate given increased deployments and use of satellite connections. What new developments from WRC-23 affect satellite policy going forward? The FCC’s Space Bureau, other federal agencies and international bodies, have levers to speed up or slow down innovation in space. What is the state of policy in satellite spectrum, can there be more flexibility or is command and control inevitable?
- David Goldman, Director of Satellite Policy, SpaceX
- Kalpak Gude, Head of Domestic Regulatory Affairs, Project Kuiper
- Whitney Lohmeyer, Chief Technologist, FCC Space Bureau and Assistant Professor of Engineering, Olin College of Engineering (invited)
- Edgar Rivas, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Sen. John Hickenlooper
- Sarah Oh Lam, Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute (moderator)