
Increasing Spectrum For Broadband: What Are The Options?

The expansion of wireless broadband is a bright spot in the U.S. economy, but a shortage of liberally licensed spectrum rights could put a crimp on this expansion. The freeing up of spectrum from other uses would allow greater expansion of wireless broadband and would bring substantial gains—likely in the hundreds of billions of dollars—for U.S. consumers, businesses, and the federal treasury. Developing a plan to increase the amount of spectrum for wireless broadband is a high priority of the FCC’s Omnibus Broadband Initiative, which is developing a national broadband plan. Failure to allocate sufficient spectrum will slow the rollout of broadband services, increase their prices, and cost consumers and taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. TPI has assembled a panel of experts to discuss the options.

Questions should be directed to Ashley Creel at [email protected]. Members of the press should contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected].

Phil Bellaria, FCC, Omnibus Broadband Initiative
Kathleen Ham, T-Mobile
Matthew Hussey, Senator Snowe
Evan Kwerel, Federal Communications Commission
Thomas M. Lenard, Technology Policy Institute
Kevin Werbach, Wharton School
Lawrence J. White, NYU Stern School of Business

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