
Innovation, Regulation, and the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy

The European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy is intended to break down the numerous barriers to cross-border online activity that currently exist in the European Union. The proposal covers a broad array of policies, including harmonizing EU rules for online purchases of goods, improving cross-border parcel delivery, integrating telecommunications regulation, and reducing burdens of different VAT regimes. While many of these proposals do not seem controversial—at least on this side of the Atlantic—some require closer scrutiny. For example, the strategy document includes a section on online platforms, reflecting the support of some officials for a general regulatory framework for “essential digital platforms.” In addition, the Commission is launching in tandem with the Digital Single Market Strategy a competition law inquiry in the e-commerce area.Panelists at “Innovation, Regulation, and the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy” will evaluate the Digital Single Market strategy’s effect on economies and, most importantly, incentives to innovate, on both sides of the Atlantic.

Innovation, Regulation, and the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy will be held Thursday, June 11, 2015 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am in the Holeman Lounge at the National Press Club, located at 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, in Washington, DC. Registration and a continental breakfast begin at 8:30 am and the program will begin at 9:00 am. Questions should be directed to Ashley Benjamin at [email protected]. Members of the press should contact Amy Smorodin at [email protected].

Richard Allan, Vice President of Policy, Europe, Facebook
Stephen Ezell, Director, Global Innovation Economy, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Andrea Glorioso, Counselor, Digital Economy / Cyber, Delegation of the European Union to the USA
Ambassador David Gross, Partner and Chair, International Telecommunications Group, Wiley Rein
Ambassador Daniel Sepulveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Christopher Yoo John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science; Director, Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Thomas Lenard (moderator), President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

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