Wallsten, Scott. “Doing the Hustle at the FCC.” July 2007.
Commentaries and Op-Eds
Great Branding, Bad Policies: The Flaws of Open Access Regulations
Wallsten, Scott. “Great Branding, Bad Policies: The Flaws of Open Access Regulations.” April 2007.
Vista, Open Access and Net Neutrality
Lenard, Thomas M. “Vista, Open Access and Net Neutrality.” November 2006.
Perspective: Time to Rethink Set-Top Box Regulation
Lenard, Thomas M. “Perspective: Time to Rethink Set-Top Box Regulation.” CNET, September 28, 2006.
Why Don’t We Just Auction the ‘White Space’?
Lenard, Thomas M. “Why Don’t We Just Auction the ‘White Space’?” CNET, May 16, 2006.
Slow Down on Data Security Legislation
Lenard, Thomas M. and Paul H. Rubin. “Slow Down on Data Security Legislation.” August 2005.