For years, those of us who study the effects of piracy have focused on two main questions. First, does it hurt creators, by reducing demand for what they produce? Here…
The public debate about Internet piracy is typically seen as pitting the interests of producers versus the interests of consumers. On one hand, the empirical evidence is clear: piracy hurts…
Whether and how copyrights should be enforced in the digital age has become an important policy question and an important question for empirical research. In a prior study, we found that…
Michael D. Smith, Brett Danaher, Rahul Telang and Samita Dhanasobhon
Digitization raises a variety of important academic and managerial questions around firm strategies and public policies for the content industries, with many of these questions influenced by the erosion of…
Much debate exists around the impact that illegal file sharing may have on the creative industries. Similarly, opinions differ regarding whether the producers of artistic works should be forced to…
Siwen Chen, Rahul Telang, Brett Danaher and Michael D. Smith
Despite the problem that filesharing poses to creative industries, there is little research on the effectiveness of governmental anti-piracy policies. This study analyzes how the HADOPI graduated response law in…