Aspen Forum 2022

AUGUST 14 – 16, 2022

For additional information, or Complimentary Press registration contact Jane Creel at [email protected].

Sunday, August 14

  • 6:45 PM Welcome Address
    Scott Wallsten, President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
  • 7:00 PM Fireside Chat with The Honorable Alan Davidson
    The Honorable Alan Davidson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, US Department of Commerce
    Cristiano Lima (moderator), Tech Newsletter Reporter, The Washington Post

Monday, August 15

  • 8:10 AM Academic Keynote Address: Startup Ventures in an Age of Great Power Rivalry
    Fiona Murray, William S. Porter Professor of Entrepreneurship and Associate Dean of
    Innovation and Inclusion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • 9:00 AM Is “Designed in America, Made in China” Sustainable? Whither the Future of Globalization and Supply Chains?
    Austin Carson, Founder and President, SeedAI
    J. Brad Jensen, McCrane/Shaker Chair in International Business, Center for Business and Public Policy, Georgetown University
    Xiaomeng Lu, Director, Geotechnology Practice, Eurasia Group
    Samm Sacks, Cyber Policy Fellow, New America
    Scott Wallsten (moderator), President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute 
  • 10:00 AM Fireside Chat: How Are the States Affecting Antitrust, Privacy, and Other Policies?
    Doug Peterson, Attorney General, State of Nebraska
    Phil Weiser, Attorney General, State of Colorado
    Leah Nylen (moderator), Antitrust Reporter, Bloomberg News
  • 10:45 AM Major Developments in Antitrust Policy
    Dennis Carlton, David McDaniel Keller Professor of Economics, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
    Judy Chevalier, William S. Neinecke Professor of Finance and Economics, Yale University
    Wolfgang Kopf, Senior Vice President, Group Public and Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
    Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google
    Joshua Wright, Executive Director, Global Antitrust Institute and Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia School of Law, George Mason University
    Thomas Lenard (moderator), Senior Fellow and President Emeritus, Technology Policy Institute
  • 12:00 PM Fireside Keynote with Marc Ganzi
    Marc C. Ganzi, Chief Executive Officer, DigitalBridge
    Scott Wallsten (moderator), President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
  • 1:00 PM Are the Metaverse and Web 3.0 Real or Hype and What are the Policy Issues?
    Hilary Allen, Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, American University
    Edward Bowles, Global Director, Public Policy, Meta Financial Technologies
    The Honorable Caroline Pham, Commissioner, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Sujit Raman, General Counsel, TRM Labs
    Kevin Werbach, Chairman & Professor, Legal Studies & Business Ethics and Liem Sioe Liong/First Pacific Company Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    Sarah Oh Lam (moderator), Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

7:00 PM

Is a Lack of Coordination Among Government Agencies Harming U.S. Spectrum Policy?
Peter Davidson, Vice President, Intelsat
Justin Faulb, Chief of Staff and Legal Advisor, Wireline and National Security, Federal Communications Commission
David Goldman, Director, Satellite Policy, SpaceX
Dale Hatfield, Executive Fellow, Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship and Adjunct Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder
Thomas Hazlett, Hugh H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics, Clemson University and Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Ed Hearst, Vice President, Government Relations, Astra
Preston Padden, Principle, Boulder Thinking, LLC
Tom Power, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, CTIA
Paroma Sanyal, Senior Consultant, The Brattle Group
Jennifer A. Warren, Vice President, Civil & Regulatory Affairs, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Thomas Lenard (co-moderator), Senior Fellow and President Emeritus, Technology Policy Institute
Sarah Oh Lam (co-moderator), Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute

How Much Do People Value Privacy Around the World and What Does That Mean for Policy?
Jane Horvath, Chief Privacy Officer, Apple
Chris Martin, Principal, Policy Innovation Head of North America, Access Partnership
Alan Raul, Partner, Privacy and Cybersecurity and Practice, Sidley Austin LLP
Leila Rouhi, Vice President, Trust and Privacy, Amazon
Scott Wallsten, President and Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
Shane Tews (moderator), President, Logan Circle Strategies

What Will a Mature Streaming Market Look Like?
Julia Jenks, Vice President, Worldwide Research & Information Analysis, Motion Picture Association
Eric Lieberman, Chief Counsel, Streaming Services, The Walt Disney Company
Laura Martin (moderator), Senior Media and Internet Analyst, Needham and Company, LLC

Tuesday, August 16

  • 8:00 AM The Role, Structure and Long-Term Implications of Connectivity in Ukraine
    Ruth Berry, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Information and Communications Policy, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State
    Olga Boichak, Lecturer in Digital Cultures, Department of Media and Communications, University of Sydney
    Cristin Goodwin, General Manager and Associate General Counsel, Microsoft
    Jamil Jaffer, Founder and Executive Director, National Security Institute, and Assistant Professor of Law & Director, National Security Law & Policy Program, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
    Neil Potts, Vice President, Trust & Safety Public Policy, Meta
    David Gross (moderator), Partner, Wiley Rein, LLP
  • 9:00 AM Fireside Chat: Investing in Entrepreneurs: What Are the Policy Aids and Obstacles?
    Ben Slivka, Advisor, Angel Investor, Philanthropist, and Software Engineer
    Sarah Oh Lam (moderator), Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute
  • 9:30 AM Content Moderation: Can Government Set Objective Rules That Do Not Violate Free Speech and Unfairly Benefit Incumbent Politicians?
    Stuart Brotman, Howard Distinguished Endowed Professor of Media Management and Law and Beaman Professor of Journalism and Electronic Media, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Julie Owono, Member, Facebook Oversight Board, Executive Director, Internet Without Borders, Fellow, Digital Civil Society
    Matt Perault, Founder, Open Water Strategies and Director, Center on Technology Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Heidi Tworek, Associate Professor and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia
    Kat Walsh, General Counsel, Creative Commons
    Scott Wallsten (moderator), Senior Fellow and President, Technology Policy Institute
  • 10:45 AM Fireside Chat: North American Telecommunications Regulators
    Ramiro Camacho Castillo, Commissioner, Federal Institute of Telecommunications, Mexico
    Ian Scott, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
    Geoffrey Starks, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
    Mignon Clyburn (co-moderator), Principal, MLC Strategies, LLC
    Bryan Tramont (co-moderator), Managing Partner, Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
  • 11:45 AM How Can the States Distribute Broadband Subsidies Effectively?
    David Don, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Comcast NBCUniversal
    Evan Feinman, Director of Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA
    Mark Jamison, Director and Gunter Professor, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida
    Evelyn Remaley, Partner, Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
    Brandy Reitter, Executive Director, Broadband Office, State of Colorado
    Greg Rosston (moderator), Gordon Cain Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and Director of the Public Policy Program, Stanford University
  • 1:00 PM A New Era of Broadband Competition?
    Jonathan S. Adelstein, Managing Director and Head of Global Policy and Public Investment, DigitalBridge Investment Management
    Michelle Connolly, Professor of the Practice, Economics Department, Duke University
    Patrick Halley, President and CEO, Wireless Infrastructure Association
    Lisa Scalpone, Head of Country Development, Project Kuiper, Amazon
    Christopher Yoo, John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
    Scott Wallsten (moderator), Senior Fellow and President, Technology Policy Institute

JONATHAN S. ADELSTEIN is a Managing Director and Head of Global Policy and Public Investment at DigitalBridge Investment Management. Prior to joining DigitalBridge, Mr. Adelstein was President and CEO of the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA), where he represented over 200 businesses that build, own, and operate wireless infrastructure, including infrastructure owners, developers, carriers, and professional service firms. Prior to WIA, Mr. Adelstein was nominated to positions by both President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush and confirmed unanimously for each by the U.S. Senate. Under President Obama, Mr. Adelstein headed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service as Administrator. There, he led the investment of nearly $7 billion under the Recovery Act in rural broadband and water infrastructure and oversaw a $60 billion loan portfolio in rural electric, telecommunications, and water infrastructure.  Under President Obama, Mr. Adelstein was appointed to the White House National Science and Technology Council. Mr. Adelstein was nominated by President Bush and served as Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from 2002 to 2009. At the FCC, he worked to achieve bipartisan progress on issues including spectrum auctions, broadband expansion, widening access to the Internet and media diversity. Before the FCC, Mr. Adelstein served at the U.S. Senate, in a number of legislative staff positions, culminating as a senior policy advisor to the Senate Majority Leader. He is a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover. Mr. Adelstein received an M.A. in History and a B.A., with Distinction, in Political Science from Stanford University.

HILARY J. ALLEN is a Professor of Law at American University’s Washington College of Law where she joined in 2018. She previously held appointments at Suffolk University Law School and Loyola New Orleans College of Law. She teaches courses in Banking Law, Securities Regulation, Financial Regulation, Corporate Finance, and Business Associations. Professor Allen is a nationally recognized expert on financial stability regulation, having testified before the House Financial Services Committee and authored more than 15 law review articles on the subject, including in the Boston College Law Review, the George Washington Law Review, and the Harvard Business Law Review. She stresses the importance of financial stability by underlining the human consequences of financial crises, and considers a variety of existing and evolving threats to financial stability. Her recent work focuses on threats arising from climate change and the increasing prevalence of fintech. Her book Driverless Finance: Fintech’s Impact on Financial Stability is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. Professor Allen actively presents scholarly publications at roundtables and conferences, and regularly contributes to blogs and podcasts about financial regulation. Prior to entering academy, Professor Allen spent seven years at the financial services groups of prominent law firms in London, Sydney, and New York. In 2010, she worked with the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to study the causes of the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Professor Allen received her Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney, Australia, and her Master of Laws in Securities and Financial Regulation Law from Georgetown University Law Center.

RUTH BERRY is the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Information and Communications Policy in the newly established Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy at the U.S Department of State. Before this role, Ms. Berry was the Director for International Digital Technology Policy at the National Security Council. Ms. Berry’s previous roles at the Department of State include Director for Bilateral Affairs for International Communications and Information Policy (2018-2021), Senior Syria Assistance Coordinator in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (2014-2018), and country coordinator in the Office of Foreign Assistance Resources (2011-2014). Originally from Wisconsin, Ms. Berry holds a B.A. in International Relations from Lewis and Clark College and a Masters in Middle East Studies from the University of Chicago.

OLGA BOICHAK is a Lecturer in Digital Cultures at the Department of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney. She is a sociologist with expertise in computational social science, and her research interests span networks, narratives, and cultures of activism in the digital age. She is a Chief Investigator on Emerging Online Safety Issues, an eSafety Commissioner-funded project that explores patterns of social media use among young people, and the organiser of SICSS-Sydney, an international state-of-the-art training program in computational social science. Olga was previously a visiting scholar at Ryerson University (Canada) and a research assistant at Syracuse University, where she worked on tools and analytic techniques that support social listening, bot detection, information literacy, and decision-making in complex scenarios. Prior to becoming an academic, she managed political campaigns in Ukraine and ran the Centre for Public Opinion Research (2005-2015), as well as served as Ukraine’s youth delegate to the United Nations. Boichak is an editor of the Digital War journal and has laid the groundwork for new directions in information warfare research. Her work has appeared in Big Data & Society, International Journal of Communication, Media, War & Conflict, Global Networks, and the Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media. Boichak is the recipient of the Fulbright Fellowship, International Communication Association’s Top Paper Award, Higher Education Academy Fellowship, and the University of Sydney SOAR Prize.

EDWARD BOWLES is the Global Director of Public Policy for Meta Financial Technologies, prior to which he was Director of Public Policy for Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. Before joining Facebook (as it then was) in September 2019, Edward was Managing Director for Group Public and Regulatory Affairs at Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), where he worked from 2007. During his time at SCB, Edward was also a Member of the European Commission’s Advisory Group on TTIP, a Board Member of Hacked Off and on various committees of UK Finance, AFME, The City UK and City of London Corporation. Prior to his time at SCB, Edward spent 5 years in Whitehall, variously as Head of Human Rights, Private Secretary to two Ministers and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, having previously practiced as a Barrister with the Crown Prosecution Service for eight years, during seven of which he was also an elected Member of the Bar Council, and Chairman of the Young Bar. Edward has an MBA from Imperial College London.

STUART N. BROTMAN is the inaugural Howard Distinguished Endowed Professor of Media Management and Law and Beaman Professor of Journalism and Electronic Media at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This academic appointment is the only one of its kind in the world. He has served in four Presidential Administrations on a bipartisan basis and has taught students from 42 countries in six separate disciplines: Communication, Journalism, Law, Business, International Relations, and Public Policy. He also has advised private and public sector telecommunications, internet, media, entertainment, and sports clients in more than 30 countries on five continents. He has earned a B.S. in Communication Studies and Mass Media, summa cum laude, from Northwestern University, M.A. in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley and a professional certification in Negotiation and Mediation from Harvard Law School.

RAMIRO CAMACHO CASTILLO was appointed Commissioner of the Federal Telecommunications Institute of Mexico (IFT) in March of 2019 for a period of nine years. Commissioner Camacho has worked as an economist at the competition and telecommunications authorities of Mexico for the past twelve years. He was General Director of Economic Consulting at IFT and Deputy General Director of Economic Studies at the Competition Commission (COFECE). Previously, he was an Associated Professor at the University of Guadalajara for eleven years. Commissioner Camacho holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of Guadalajara, and three master’s degrees: in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; in Operations Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); and in Energy Economics from Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei in Italy.

DENNIS W. CARLTON is the David McDaniel Keller Professor of Economics at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago where he teaches in the Business School, Law School and Economics Department. He joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 1984 and focuses his research on microeconomics, industrial organization, and antitrust. He has published more than 100 articles and two books, including one of the leading textbooks in industrial organization. He is also the co-editor of the Journal of Law and Economics and is on the editorial boards of Competition Policy International and the Journal of Competition Law and Economics. From 2006 to 2008, he served as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economic Analysis at the U.S. Department of Justice. He received a John Harvard Award, National Science Foundation Fellowships, the 1977 P.W.S. Andrews Memorial Prize Essay, and the 2008 Robert F Lanzillotti prize. He was designated the 2014 Distinguished Fellow of the Industrial Organization Society. In 2014, he was also designated by the Global Competition Review as Economist of the Year. He has served as an advisor on antitrust matters to the Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, and to private clients. He has served as a commissioner on the Antitrust Modernization Commission, a congressional committee investigating antitrust laws. Carlton earned a master’s degree in operations research and a Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1974 and 1975 and a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude in 1972 from Harvard College, where he majored in applied mathematics and economics and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. 

JUDITH A. CHEVALIER is the William S. Beinecke Professor of Finance and Economics at the Yale School of Management. Professor Chevalier’s research is in the areas of both finance and industrial organization. Her research focuses on the impacts of new technologies on firms, individuals, and policy. She has written extensively on the economics of the retail sector – both in ecommerce and brick and mortar, with a particular interest in consumer product reviews. She has written extensively on career choice, career concerns, incentives, job flexibility, and gig work. She has also written a series of papers exploring the overlap between finance and industrial organization. Her COVID-19 work includes an early study of masking, a geospatial study of the movement of nursing home workers across facilities and the spread of the virus, and a study of retail vaccine availability. She is the chair of the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, a former co-editor of the American Economic Review and of the Rand Journal of Economics and an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Econometric Society. She holds a B.A. from Yale University and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MIGNON CLYBURN is Principal at MLC Strategies, an independent consulting firm she established in January 2019. Mignon was sworn in for her first term as a Commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission on August 3, 2009; sworn in for a second term on February 19, 2013; and served until June 6, 2018. She also served as Acting FCC Chairwoman from May 20, 2013 through November 4, 2013. While at the FCC, Commissioner Clyburn was committed to closing the digital divide. Specifically, she was an advocate for Lifeline Modernization, which assists low-income consumers to defray the cost of broadband service, championed diversity in media ownership, initiated Inmate Calling Services reforms, emphasized diversity and inclusion in STEM opportunities, and fought to preserve a free and open internet. Prior to the FCC, she spent 11 years as a member of the sixth district on the Public Service Commission (PSC) of South Carolina. Prior to the PSC, Clyburn was the publisher and general manager of her family-founded newspaper for 14 years, The Coastal Times, a Charleston-based weekly newspaper that focused primarily on issues affecting the African American community. She graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1984 with a Bachelor’s degree in Banking, Finance and Economics.

MICHELLE P. CONNOLLY is Professor of the Practice in the Economics Department and the Director of the Honors Program in Economics at Duke University. In 2011, Professor Connolly won the Howard D. Johnson Trinity College Teaching Prize and was named among the top five percent of Duke University Undergraduate Instructors in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2017. Professor Connolly served as Chief Economist of the FCC in 2006-2007 and 2008-2009, and as an Economist for the International Research Function for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1996 to 1997. She focuses specifically on international trade, telecommunications policy, media policy, education, growth, and development. She has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Duke Arts and Sciences Research Council Grants, the Spencer Grant, and the Teagle Grant. Professor Connolly has published in numerous journals. She has been presenting her work at university seminars and international conferences since 1996. In 2013 Professor Connolly was awarded a National Science Foundation Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Grant. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Yale University in 1990, and received her M.A. and M.Phil, and Ph.D. in economics at Yale. 

ALAN DAVIDSON is the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Davidson is an Internet policy expert with over 20 years of experience as an executive, public interest advocate, technologist, and attorney. He was most recently a Senior Advisor at the Mozilla Foundation, a global nonprofit that promotes openness, innovation, and participation on the Internet. He was previously Mozilla’s Vice President of Global Policy, Trust and Security, where he led public policy and privacy teams promoting an open Internet and a healthy web. Alan served in the Obama-Biden Administration as the first Director of Digital Economy at the U.S. Department of Commerce. He started Google’s public policy office in Washington, D.C., leading government relations and policy in North and South America for seven years until 2012. Alan has been a long-time leader in the Internet nonprofit community, serving as Director of New America’s Open Technology Institute where he worked to promote equitable broadband access and adoption. As Associate Director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, Alan was an advocate for civil liberties and human rights online in some of the earliest Internet policy debates. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Yale Law School and is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

PETER DAVIDSON has served as the Vice President of Global Government Relations and Policy at Intelsat since August of 2020. Prior to that he served as Deputy Dean for Strategic Initiatives at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Commerce, SVP of Government Affairs at Verizon Communications, General Counsel of the U.S. Trade Representative, VP Government Affairs at USWEST and Qwest, General Counsel and Policy Director for the Majority Leader of the U.S House of Representatives, and Attorney-Advisor in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. He is a native Minnesotan, and graduate of Carleton College and the University of Virginia School of Law.

DAVID DON serves as Senior Vice President for Public Policy for Comcast Corporation. David is responsible for developing and implementing the company’s strategies before federal agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission. David has worked extensively on the FCC’s public policy and spectrum allocation policies for almost 20 years, and he often represents Comcast in public for examining the most relevant public policy issues of the day. David joined Comcast in 2006 from the law firm of Willkie Farr & Gallagher where he practiced communications law. During that time, he represented clients from nearly every segment of the communications industry, including wireless and telecom companies and Internet service providers. David received a B.S. from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center with honors. He is an active member of the Federal Communications Bar Association, where he most recently served on the board of the FCBA Foundation.

JUSTIN FAULB is Chief of Staff and Legal Advisor for Wireline and National Security at the Federal Communications Commission. Previously, Mr. Faulb served as Associate Bureau Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, overseeing implementation of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act and other national security, privacy, numbering, and pricing issues. At the FCC, he has also served as Legal Advisor to the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, as the Designated Federal Officer of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee, as an Attorney Advisor, and as Special Counsel in the Office of the FCC Chairman. Prior to the FCC he worked for a leading trade association and in private practice focusing on communications and energy law. Mr. Faulb received his law degree from Catholic University, Columbus School of Law, and his bachelor’s degree, cum laude, from Miami University.

EVAN FEINMAN is the director of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program at the NTIA, U.S. Department of Commerce. It is the primary program deploying broadband created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  He has previously served in multiple roles within government, on political campaigns, and in the private sector; most recently directing both the Virginia broadband effort and a state economic development agency.  Evan received his bachelors degree from UVA, his law degree from Washington and Lee, and has completed multiple public policy fellowships.  Evan lives in Richmond, VA with his wife Annalisa Feinman, a Richmond public defender, and his son Bennett.

MARC C. GANZI is CEO at DigitalBridge and has been an investor and operator in the digital infrastructure sector for more than 25 years. Mr. Ganzi has led DigitalBridge’s transformation to become a premier platform for digital infrastructure and real estate investment. Ganzi originally founded Digital Bridge Holdings in 2013 and built the firm into a leading global manager of digital infrastructure assets with more than $20 billion in AUM, until its merger in July 2019 into the current public company, DigitalBridge Group, Inc. Previously, he founded Global Tower Partners, which grew to become one of the largest privately-owned tower companies in the U.S. under his leadership before being acquired for $4.8 billion. Before joining DB Capital, Mr. Ganzi co-founded and served as President of Apex Site Management, one of the largest third-party managers of wireless and wireline communication sites in the U.S. In 1990, he served as an assistant Commercial Attaché in Madrid for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Foreign Commercial Service Department. He also served as a Presidential Intern for the George H.W. Bush administration with the Office of Special Activities and Initiatives for the Honorable Stephen M. Studdert in 1989. Mr. Ganzi received a B.S. from the Wharton School in 1993. He was a Board Member of the Wireless Infrastructure Association from 2008 to 2017 and served as Chairman from 2009 to 2011. He is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization and the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee of the FCC.

DAVID GOLDMAN is the Senior Director of Satellite Policy for SpaceX. Prior to joining SpaceX in 2018, he was the Chief Counsel for the Communication and Technology Subcommittee since January 2015. Before that, he served as the Senior Legal Advisor for FCC then-Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel. He was the Commissioner’s chief advisor on wireless, international, and public safety issues, and was also responsible for other issues of policy, strategy, public relations, and office operations. David joined Commissioner Rosenworcel’s office from the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, where he served on detail as Counsel to the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet. Prior to serving on Capitol Hill, David served in a number of positions at the FCC, including in the office of Chairman Genachowski and as a Policy Advisor to the Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. He joined the agency as an Honors Attorney, serving as Attorney Advisor in the Spectrum Competition and Policy Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Before this, he served as Staff Law Clerk at the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago. He also worked as an associate at the law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed in New York. David received his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania and his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida.

CRISTIN FLYNN GOODWIN is the General Manager and Associate General Counsel of Microsoft’s Digital Security Unit. Cristin leads Microsoft’s efforts to understand and disrupt nation-state and advanced actor attacks, and on the legal side, provides a focal point for addressing complex cybersecurity legal problems across Microsoft. She has been a leader at Microsoft in incident response, information sharing, and source code security for over a decade. Cristin joined Microsoft in 2006 as policy counsel in Microsoft’s Washington, DC office. Prior to joining Microsoft, Cristin worked for several telecommunications companies in legal and technical roles. She began her career as a trial lawyer in New York City and worked in the World Trade Center – which cemented her commitment to security for the rest of her career.

AMBASSADOR DAVID GROSS is Partner at Wiley Rein LLP where he co-chairs the Telecom, Media & Technology Practice. He is one of the world’s foremost experts on international telecommunications and Internet policies, having addressed the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and led more U.S. delegations to major international telecommunication conferences than anyone else in modern history. Noted as bringing “innovation and vision to the rapidly changing TMT industry” by Who’s Who Legal and as one of the “Top 30 Telecommunications lawyers in the world” by Euromoney, David draws on more than 30 years of experience as a lawyer, global policymaker, and corporate executive to assist U.S. companies seeking to enter or expand international businesses. He also advises non-U.S. companies, and industry organizations seeking to invest in, monitor, and understand the U.S. and international markets, as well as national governments. David advises companies and others on international and domestic telecoms, Internet, and high-tech strategy focusing on both specific markets and international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), as well as many regional organizations. He  received his B.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and received his J.D. from Columbia University Law School. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

PATRICK HALLEY is President and CEO of the Wireless Infrastructure Association. He joined WIA from USTelecom – The Broadband Association where he served as Senior Vice President of Policy & Advocacy and General Counsel. He led the association’s policy development and advocacy efforts before the White House and Executive Branch, regulatory agencies, courts, and other government entities in Washington, DC. Mr. Halley has held several senior positions working at the intersection of communications policy, law and technology. Prior to joining USTelecom, Patrick was a partner at leading communications law firm Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP (WBK), where he advised communications providers and trade associations on strategic, policy, and legal matters. He previously served at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in numerous roles, including Associate Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, Acting Director of the Commission’s Office of Legislative Affairs, and as a legal advisor to two Wireline Competition Bureau Chiefs and a Chair of the FCC. Before joining the FCC, Mr. Halley spent over five years as the Director of Government Affairs for NENA – The 911 Association where he served as the association’s liaison with Congress, the FCC, and other government agencies. Patrick graduated magna cum laude from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law. He received a B.A., magna cum laude, from The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. 

DALE N. HATFIELD is currently an Executive Fellow at the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship and an Adjunct Professor in the Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Previously, Hatfield was the Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology at the FCC and Chief Technologist at the Agency. He retired from the FCC and government service in December 2000. Before joining the FCC he worked in various capacities: founder and CEO of Hatfield Associates, Inc., a Colorado-based multidisciplinary telecommunications consulting firm; Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and Acting Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; and Chief of the Office of Plans and Policy at the FCC. Hatfield has over fifty years of experience in telecommunications policy and regulation, spectrum management and related areas. Hatfield was the founding Executive Director of the Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group. He is currently serving on the FCC’s Technology Advisory Council and on the Commerce Department’s Spectrum Management Advisory Committee and served as an independent Director of Crown Castle International Corp. He holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from Case Institute of Technology and an M.S. in Industrial Management from Purdue University. In May 2008, Hatfield was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by the University of Colorado for, inter alia, his commitment to the development of interdisciplinary telecommunications studies. 

THOMAS HAZLETT is the Hugh H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics at Clemson University. He has previously held faculty positions at George Mason University, the University of California, Davis, and the Wharton School, and served as Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission. A noted expert in regulatory economics and information markets, his research has appeared in academic forums such as the Journal of Law & Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, the Journal of Financial Economics, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Columbia Law Review. He has also written for such popular periodicals as the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Slate, the N.Y. Times, N.Y. Daily News,, Business Week, The New Republic, and the Financial Times. His most recent book, The Political Spectrum: The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, from Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone (Yale, 2017), was featured as one of the top tech books of the year at CES 2018.

EDWARD HEARST is Vice President for Government Relations at Astra. Mr. Hearst is an experienced attorney, government leader, and Silicon Valley executive, with a distinguished career in law, global business and public service. He is also known as an expert on technology, telecommunications and international trade. Mr. Hearst has extensive government experience. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs (Acting/Preforming the Duties of) and as Senior Advisor in the U.S. Secretary of Commerce’s office of Policy and Strategic Planning. Earlier in his career, he served as Senior Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce. He also served as a senior attorney at Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Mr. Hearst has extensive experience in global technology companies. He was part of the turnaround team at BlackBerry, where he was Vice President for Government Affairs and Government Business Development. Prior to BlackBerry, Mr. Hearst was Vice President, Global Government Affairs at SAP and Sybase and Vice President at Commerce One. Mr. Hearst serves on the board of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. In addition, he has served on the boards of the National Cyber Security Alliance, the U.S. Information Technology Office in China (USITO) and the Information Technology Industry Council. Mr. Hearst also served as a Senior Advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Studies Roundtable on China and is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Mr. Hearst is a Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, where he received his B.A. and J.D.

JANE HORVATH is the Senior Director of Global Privacy at Apple. She has been with the company since September of 2011, and brings more than a decade of information privacy and legal experience to the role. She is responsible for overseeing Apple’s compliance with global privacy laws as well as working internally and externally on developing issues related to privacy. Prior to Apple, Ms. Horvath was Global Privacy Counsel at Google. Before that, Ms. Horvath served as the DOJ’s first Chief Privacy Counsel and Civil Liberties Officer. At the DOJ, she was a member of the High Level Contact Group and leader of the U.S. delegation of experts tasked with exploring common ground between the European Union’s Third Pillar data protection principles and U.S. federal privacy laws. Prior to the DOJ, she also was the General Counsel of Digital City Inc., an America Online, Inc. (AOL) subsidiary, and Assistant General Counsel at AOL, where she helped draft the company’s first privacy policies. Ms. Horvath holds a Bachelor of Science from the College of William and Mary and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia.

JAMIL N. JAFFER currently serves as the Founder of National Security Institute and Adjunct Professor of Law and Director of the National Security Law & Policy Program at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, in addition to his role as Vice President for Strategy & Business Development at IronNet Cybersecurity. Jamil is also a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, is affiliated with Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, and recently served as a clerk to Justice Neil M. Gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court. Jamil holds a B.A., cum laude, from UCLA, a J.D., with honors, from the University of Chicago Law School, and a M.A., with distinction, from the United States Naval War College.

MARK JAMISON is the Director and Gerald Gunter Professor of the Public Utility Research Center, and Director of the Digital Markets Initiative at the University of Florida. He provides research and international training on business and government policy, focusing primarily on information technology and utilities industries. Dr. Jamison’s current research topics include competition policy and regulation of information technologies, institutional development in regulation, and competition and innovation in the information sectors. He has conducted educational programs in numerous countries: Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and North, South, and Central America. Dr. Jamison is also a Research Associate with the UF Center for Public Policy Research and is a Non-resident Senior Fellow with the American Enterprise Institute. Dr. Jamison served on the U.S. Presidential Transition Team in 2015-2016, focusing on the Federal Communications Commission.  He is the former Associate Director of Business and Economic Studies for the UF Center for International Business Education and Research, and has served as Special Academic Advisor to the Chair of the Florida Governor’s Internet Task Force, and as President of the Transportation and Public Utilities Group. Previously, Dr. Jamison was Manager of Regulatory Policy at Sprint, Head of Research for the Iowa Utilities Board, and Communications Economist for the Kansas Corporation Commission. He led several staff teams in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.

JULIA JENKS currently serves as Vice President, Worldwide Research & Information Analysis for the Motion Picture Association (MPA). A long-time Association veteran, Julia is responsible for leading the creation of analytical reports and research services globally in support of the MPA and its member studios’ policy, advocacy, communications, content protection, planning and other objectives. Prior to joining the MPA, Julia worked for organizations including Dittman Research Corporation and the Resource Development Council. Julia is a graduate of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, and a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the Marketing Research Association (MRA).

BRADFORD JENSEN is the McCrane/Shaker Chair in International Business at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, a nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Jensen pioneered the use of plant-level microdata to investigate the impact of international trade and investment on the economy. His recent work examines the relationship between trade and firm performance and the impact of trade in services on the economy. His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and published in scholarly journals. Prior to joining Georgetown in 2007, Jensen served as deputy director at the Peterson Institute. Jensen also has served as director of the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau, on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, and as a visiting professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Jensen received his Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University and B.A. from Kalamazoo College.

WOLFGANG KOPF has been Senior Vice President for Group Public and Regulatory Affairs at Deutsche Telekom AG since November 2006. He is responsible for Regulatory Affairs, Competition and Media Policy, Spectrum Strategy and Public Affairs. Wolfgang Kopf joined Deutsche Telekom Group in 1995 where he held various senior positions since. His previous projects include the foundation of Global One, mobile operator WIND, the sale of DT’s cable networks, market entry in the US and building up the Antitrust and International Regulatory departments at DT and T-Mobile. Wolfgang Kopf is a Board Member of GSMA, a Member of the ZDF Television Council and a Member of the Foundation Board of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen. In addition he is the Vice-Chair of the BIAC Competition Committee at OECD and co-editor of two German Law Journals. He studied Arts and Law at the Universities of Mainz and Speyer. He also holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from the University of London.

SARAH OH LAM is a Senior Fellow at the Technology Policy Institute. She was previously the Operations and Research Director for the Information Economy Project at George Mason School of Law. She has also presented research at the 39th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference and has co-authored work published in the Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property among other research projects. Her research interests include law and economics, regulatory analysis, and technology policy. Oh completed her Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University, and holds a J.D. from GMU and a B.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

THOMAS LENARD is Senior Fellow and President Emeritus at the Technology Policy Institute. Lenard is the author or coauthor of numerous books and articles on telecommunications, electricity, antitrust, privacy, e-commerce and other regulatory issues. His publications include Net Neutrality or Net Neutering: Should Broadband Internet Services Be Regulated?; The Digital Economy Fact Book; Privacy and the Commercial Use of Personal Information; Competition, Innovation and the Microsoft Monopoly: Antitrust in the Digital Marketplace; and Deregulating Electricity: The Federal Role. Before joining the Technology Policy Institute, Lenard was acting president, senior vice president for research and senior fellow at The Progress & Freedom Foundation. He has served in senior economics positions at the Office of Management and Budget, the Federal Trade Commission and the Council on Wage and Price Stability, and was a member of the economics faculty at the University of California, Davis. He is a past president and chairman of the board of the National Economists Club. Lenard is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and holds a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University.

ERIC LIEBERMAN serves as the Chief Counsel for Disney Streaming Services, including Disney+ and ESPN+. He joined Disney from Fusion, where he had been Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Before that he was the Vice President and General Counsel for the Washington Post. Earlier in his career, he was an Associate with Williams & Connolly, LLP, Law Clerk to Chief Judge James L. Oakes on the U.S. Court of Appeals, and Legislative Assistant to Senator Edward Kennedy. Eric holds a B.A. in Social Studies from Harvard and a J.D. from Duke University School of Law.

CRISTIANO LIMA is a business reporter and author of The Washington Post’s Technology 202 newsletter, focusing on the intersection of tech, politics and policy. He previously served as a senior web producer, breaking news reporter and tech policy reporter for Politico. Lima is the former author of Morning Tech, Politico’s tech policy newsletter, and has served as a contributor for other tip sheets, including Morning Media and California Playbook. His tech reporting has focused on the congressional debates around competition online, data privacy, content moderation and emerging technologies. His past stops include freelancing for Al Jazeera English and interning for NPR affiliate WHYY. Lima, the son of two scientific writers and a native of Rio de Janeiro, grew up in New York, Florida and Georgia and earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees in political science at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania

XIAOMENG LU is a Senior Analyst in Eurasia Group’s geo-technology practice. She focuses on the interactions of emerging technologies with geopolitics, market dynamics, and regulatory norms. She provides in-depth analysis on key policy issues such as cybersecurity, data protection, artificial intelligence, internet governance, 5G, and trade. Before joining Eurasia Group, Xiaomeng was the China practice lead at consulting firm Access Partnership. In this capacity, she helped top financial and cloud service providers of the US enter China’s market amid the trade war between the two countries. She also played a key role in establishing and expanding the company’s first office in Asia, which generated over $1 million in revenue in three years. Previously, Xiaomeng worked as a global policy director at the Information Technology Industry Council, where she conducted successful advocacy campaigns that led to the suspension of onerous regulatory regimes, helping global electronics manufacturers save billions in potential losses. Xiaomeng has a master’s degree in international trade policy from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Renmin University of China.

LAURA MARTIN is Managing Director, Entertainment, Cable and Media at Needham & Company LLC. Martin began her career at Drexel Burnham Lambert in media investment banking, followed by Capital Research & Management, where she advised $100 billion and managed a $500 million portfolio of media stocks. She moved to Credit Suisse First Boston in 1994 as the senior media analyst, where she was nationally ranked by Institutional Investor between 1999 and 2001. In 2002, Martin moved to Paris to become EVP of Financial Strategy and Investor Relations for Vivendi Universal. In 2004, she founded Media Metrics, LLC publishing equity research on the largest entertainment, cable and Internet stocks in the U.S., where she was nationally ranked as “Best of the Independent Research Boutiques” by Institutional Investor for many years. In 2009, Martin moved to Needham & Company, where she publishes research on the largest Internet and Entertainment companies. Martin received her B.A. from Stanford and her MBA from Harvard Business School, and she is a CFA and CMT.

CHRISTOPHER MARTIN is Principal of Policy Innovation and Head of North America in Access Partnership’s Washington, DC office. Martin leads and manages operations across North America. A recognized global voice consulting on information and communications technology policy, he works with multi-national companies and organizations to develop strategies, shape policy discussions, and access new markets. Chris previously established Access Partnership’s office in Singapore and managed the Asia Pacific portfolio. With over 20 year’s experience, he has worked on public policy issues and campaigns across the world, including establishing and leading industry coalitions to engage on cybersecurity and Internet governance, negotiating tech policy at the national level in Washington and foreign capitals, and in global bodies like the ITU, ICANN, and OECD. He holds a B.A. from James Madison University and an MPP from the University of Chicago.

FIONA MURRAY is the Associate Dean of Innovation and Inclusion at the MIT School of Management and the William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship. She is the co-director of MIT’s Innovation Initiative and Faculty Director of the MIT Legatum Center for Entrepreneurship and Development. Fiona is an associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. She received her B.A. and M.A. from the University of Oxford in Chemistry. She subsequently moved to the United States and earned an A.M. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in applied sciences.

LEAH NYLEN is an Antitrust Reporter for Bloomberg News. Prior to joining Bloomberg, she covered antitrust and investigations for POLITICO Pro. Leah spent eight years covering antitrust at MLex. She has also worked for Congressional Quarterly and was selected as an Abe Journalist Fellow in 2014 for a reporting project in Japan on price-fixing cartels and cartel deterrence policies. Nylen holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and a master’s degree from Northwestern University.

JULIE OWONO is the Executive Director of Internet Sans Frontières (Internet Without Borders), an inaugural member of the Facebook Oversight Board, and the Executive Director of the Content Policy & Society Lab, a project of the Progam on Democracy and the Internet at Stanford University. At the intersection of Business and Human Rights, her work focuses on creating channels of collaboration between different set of actors of the Internet. She is particularly interested in finding policy and technical solutions to foster collaborations for a better content moderation on online platforms. Julie is an Affiliate of the Berkman Kleine Center on Internet and Society at Harvard University, a member of the Global Partnership on AI (AI) created by France and Canada, of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on AI for Humanity, of the WEF Council on the Connected World. She was also a member of UNESCO’s Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) for the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, a Member of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Expert Committee on Digital Inclusion, and a Civil Society member of the Global Network Initiative’s Board. Julie graduated in International Law from La Sorbonne University in Paris, and practiced as a lawyer at the Paris Bar.

PRESTON PADDEN is the Principle of Boulder Thinking, LLC., a consulting firm. Mr. Padden also serves on the Advisory Board of Grotech Ventures, a private equity investment firm. In 2018 and 2019 Mr. Padden served as Executive VP of the C-Band Alliance. From 2012 to 2015 Mr. Padden served as the Executive Director of the “Expanding Opportunities For Broadcasters Coalition”.  From 2010 to 2013 Mr. Padden served as an Adjunct Professor of Communications Law at the University Of Colorado and as a Senior Fellow at the Law School’s Silicon Flatirons Center. Mr. Padden had a 50 year career in the media business holding the following positions: Assistant General Counsel, Metromedia; President, The Association of Independent Television Stations; President, Network Distribution, Fox Broadcasting Company; Chairman and CEO, American Sky Broadcasting (merged into Dish Network); President, ABC Television Network; and Executive Vice-President, Government Relations, The Walt Disney Company. Mr. Padden worked directly for leading industry CEO’s including Rupert Murdoch, Barry Diller, Michael Eisner and Bob Iger. He also served on the Boards of The National Association of Broadcasters and The Motion Picture Association of America. In his career Mr. Padden helped to launch the Fox Broadcast Network, secured waivers of multiple Federal regulations for News Corporation and secured legislation extending by 20 years the term of U.S. copyrights.

MATT PERAULT is the Founder of Open Water Strategies and Director at the Center on Technology Policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Previously, he served as director of Duke University’s Center on Science and Technology Policy and associate professor of the practice at Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy. Before that, he was a director of public policy at Facebook. He led the company’s global public policy planning efforts on issues such as competition, law enforcement, and human rights and oversaw public policy for WhatsApp, Oculus, and Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research. Prior to joining Facebook, Matt was Counsel at the Congressional Oversight Panel. He previously worked as a consultant at the World Bank and served as a law clerk for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Matt holds a law degree from Harvard Law School, a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, and a Bachelor’s degree in political science from Brown University.

DOUG PETERSON was elected as Nebraska’s 32nd Attorney General in 2014 and has dedicated his career to being an advocate for Nebraskans both in state and federal court. Following law school, Mr. Peterson spent two years in North Platte, Nebraska, prosecuting both criminal and civil cases for the Lincoln County Attorney. From 1988 to 1990, he served as Assistant Attorney General to the Nebraska Attorney General’s office, representing the State in employment law matters and tort litigation. In 1990, Peterson entered private practice, where he had the opportunity to advise and advocate for both individuals and businesses. In his role as Attorney General, Peterson works closely with law enforcement agencies across the State to ensure that Nebraska communities are safe. Peterson’s office has supported strengthened legislation and enforcement in the areas of human trafficking, prosecution of child sexual assault and abuse, and consumer protection laws to safeguard all Nebraskans. He graduated from the University of Nebraska with a business degree in 1981, and from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985.

CAROLINE D. PHAM is a Commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and a recognized leader in financial services compliance and regulatory strategy and policy, with deep expertise in derivatives, capital markets, and digital innovation. Her substantial experience spans prudential regulation and systemic risk, financial markets including currencies and commodities, fintech and digital assets, ESG, and the impact of major disruptions. She has advised boards of directors, executive and senior management, policymakers and regulators, and industry leaders on changes to the regulatory landscape and implications and risks of emerging issues, trends, and economic and market developments to the global financial system, markets, and banking. She has engaged with international standard setters, central banks, government ministries, regulators, and other stakeholders across the globe. She was a managing director at a large global financial institution and held various senior roles. She built global programs and teams and led initiatives for the implementation of global regulatory reforms such as the Dodd-Frank Act. She has served as Special Counsel and Policy Advisor to former CFTC Commissioner Scott O’Malia; and in enforcement at the CFTC, SEC, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and for the former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. She is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, Co-Chair of the Business Law Fellows Committee, among other past positions. She has also served on the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Digital Commerce. She has a B.A. from UCLA and a J.D. from George Washington University. 

NEIL POTTS serves as Vice President for Trust and Safety Policy at Meta. In addition to his duties at Facebook, he is a Defense Council with the Truman National Security Project. He joined Meta in 2016 from WilmerHale, where he had been a Public Policy & Legislative Affairs Counsel. Prior to this, he was an Attorney with Patton Boggs LLP. Neil served as a ground intelligence officer in the United States Marine Corps and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Neil earned a B.S. in mathematics from the U.S. Naval Academy and a J.D. from the University of Virginia, School of Law.

TOM POWER has been the Senior Vice President and General Counsel for CTIA since 2015. Mr. Power served as the U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Telecommunications in the White House Office of Science and Technology from August 2011 until December 2014. Previously, Mr. Power served as Chief of Staff for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, United States Department of Commerce from April 2009 through August 2011. From 2000 to 2009 Mr. Power was General Counsel for Fiberlink Communications in Blue Bell, Pa. From 1994 until 2000, Mr. Power served at the Federal Communications Commission in several supervisory roles until named Senior Legal Adviser to FCC Chairman William Kennard, where he advised the chairman on broadband, common carrier and mass media matters. Prior to joining the FCC, Mr. Power was a telecommunications and litigation partner at Winston & Strawn. He has undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Virginia.

ALAN RAUL is Partner at Sidley Austin LLP. He is founder and leader of Sidley’s highly ranked Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. He represents companies on federal, state and international privacy, cybersecurity and digital technology issues. His practice includes global data protection compliance programs, data breaches, crisis management, and internet law. Alan advises companies regarding their cybersecurity preparedness, digital governance and transactional due diligence. Alan’s practice involves litigation, regulatory defense, internal investigations, strategic counseling and policy advocacy. He handles consumer class actions, enforcement matters, and public policy involving the FTC, State Attorneys General, SEC, FCC, Department of Justice, international data protection authorities and other government agencies. Alan provides clients with perspective gained from extensive government service. He previously served as Vice Chairman of the White House Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, General Counsel of the Office of Management and Budget, General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Associate Counsel to the President. Alan serves as a member of the Technology Litigation Advisory Committee of the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center (affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce). He also serves on the American Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Legal Task Force by appointment of the ABA President, and as a member of the Practising Law Institute’s Privacy Law Advisors Group. He is a member of the governing Board of Directors of the Future of Privacy Forum. Alan is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

SUJIT RAMAN is General Counsel at TRM Labs, a leading blockchain and Web 3.0 analytics company that helps organizations detect, assess, and investigate crypto-related fraud and financial crime. Previously, he was a partner at Sidley Austin LLP, where he focused on cybersecurity and data privacy issues, internal investigations, and white collar criminal defense. Earlier, he served as an Associate Deputy Attorney General in the Department of Justice, where he assisted in the oversight of the nation’s cyber-related criminal and national security investigations and prosecutions. He also helped oversee the Justice Department’s cyber-related policy development; represented the Department on cyber matters before the National Security Council at the White House; and testified before the Senate on the nation’s cyber priorities. Mr. Raman represented the U.S. in high-profile data-sharing negotiations with the UK, Australia, and EU, and co-led the U.S. delegation to the G6 Interior Ministers’ conference in Munich in 2019. He also oversaw creation of the Department’s “Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework,” which remains federal law enforcement’s strategy blueprint for investigating crypto-related crime. Before joining the DoJ’s senior leadership staff, Mr. Raman served as a federal prosecutor, where he led a number of international fraud, public corruption, and national security matters. He also handled legal issues dealing with the implications of technology on criminal and national security investigations, and personally litigated several leading electronic evidence and digital privacy cases in the U.S. Court of Appeals. Mr. Raman was educated at Harvard College, Harvard Law, and the University of Bristol (UK).

ALAN RAUL is the founder and leader of Sidley’s highly ranked Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. He represents companies on federal, state and international privacy, cybersecurity and digital technology issues. His practice includes global data protection compliance programs, data breaches, crisis management, and internet law. Alan advises companies regarding their cybersecurity preparedness, digital governance and transactional due diligence. Alan’s practice involves litigation, regulatory defense, internal investigations, strategic counseling and policy advocacy. He handles consumer class actions, enforcement matters, and public policy involving the FTC, State Attorneys General, SEC, FCC, Department of Justice, international data protection authorities and other government agencies. Alan provides clients with perspective gained from extensive government service. He previously served as Vice Chairman of the White House Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, General Counsel of the Office of Management and Budget, General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Associate Counsel to the President. Alan serves as a member of the Technology Litigation Advisory Committee of the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center (affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce). He also serves on the American Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Legal Task Force by appointment of the ABA President, and as a member of the Practising Law Institute’s Privacy Law Advisors Group. He is a member of the governing Board of Directors of the Future of Privacy Forum. Alan is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Alan represented the Special Cybersecurity Review Committee of Yahoo!’s Board of Directors in connection with its independent investigation of the company’s handling of major data breaches.

BRANDY REITTER is Executive Director of the Colorado Broadband Office within the Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology. She joined the Colorado Broadband Office in 2022 and is responsible for providing oversight and management of the office’s programs and state-wide strategy for broadband deployment. Her work includes education, outreach, supporting regional collaborations, fostering relations with partners, and mobilizing resources to improve the access and affordability of high speed internet. She works to assist with policy and legislative development, serves on various broadband boards, and supports the work of the office. Her professional experience includes 15 years in local government management in cities and towns across the State of Colorado. As a former Town Manager, she built broadband programs in rural communities and has leveraged resources to deploy broadband in her communities. Her local government experience includes managing towns in Weld, Chaffee, Saguache and Eagle Counties. She has served in roles in public utilities, economic development, and government operations in the City of Longmont, City and County of Denver and the Government of the District of Columbia. She has an M.P.A. from the University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs.

EVELYN REMALEY is a Partner at Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP. Evelyn provides strategy, program management, and the ability to communicate complex subjects to her clients. She has a unique perspective that can help communications and technology companies meet evolving legal and regulatory challenges. Prior to joining WBK she served as Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and Acting Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. At NTIA, Evelyn led a team of experts providing senior policy guidance to the Secretary of Commerce and the White House on government priorities, including broadband funding to close the digital divide, supply chain risk management, privacy, the free flow of information, encryption, spectrum, and the Internet of things. As a leader in government, she helped to advance access to innovative communications services and enhance trust and safety in the digital economy. Prior to her work within the federal government, she led a Cybersecurity and Internet Policy Team at Booz Allen Hamilton in McLean, VA. Ms. Remaley also worked for a leading Internet service provider in its Internet Privacy and Security Federal Practice and spent time deploying the Internet across communities through her work with public libraries. Ms. Remaley holds a B.S. degree from Carnegie Mellon University and a J.D. from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law.

GREGORY L. ROSSTON is Director of the Public Policy program at Stanford University, the Gordon Cain Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and Professor of Economics (by courtesy). He teaches Economics and Public Policy courses on competition policy and strategy, intellectual property, and writing and rhetoric. Dr. Rosston served as Deputy Chief Economist at the FCC working on the implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and helped to design and implement the first ever spectrum auctions in the U.S. In 2011, he was Senior Economist for Transactions for the FCC for the proposed AT&T–T-Mobile transaction. He co-chaired the Economy, Globalization and Trade committee for the Obama campaign and was a member of the Obama transition team on economic agency review and energy policy. He served as a member and co-chair of the Department of Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee from 2010–2014. Dr. Rosston has written extensively on the application of economics to telecommunications issues. He has served as a consultant to various organizations including the World Bank and the FCC, and as a board member and advisor to high technology, financial, and startup companies in the areas of auctions, business strategy, antitrust and regulation. He serves as Chairman of the Board of the Stanford Federal Credit Union, Board member of the Nepal Youth Foundation, and Advisory Board member of Sustainable Conservation and the Technology Policy Institute. Dr. Rosston received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University and his A.B. with Honors in Economics from University of California at Berkeley. 

LEILA ROUHI is Vice President of Trust and Privacy at Amazon, overseeing a broad portfolio of devices including Ring, Alexa, FireTV, Halo, Key and Sidewalk. She previously served as President of Ring, where she led all efforts related to the company’s privacy, security, and community partnerships. Across each of these areas, Leila has always ensured that customers, and the communities in which they live, come first. Leila first joined Ring as General Counsel, and led the team through an acquisition by Amazon in 2018. Prior to Ring, she was Director of Legal Affairs at True Religion Brand Jeans, where she provided legal oversight for all aspects of their retail operation. Leila has also represented clients specializing in fashion, mergers & acquisitions, and entertainment & media. Leila holds a J.D. from New York University School of Law and a B.A. in Economics and Politics from Mount Holyoke College.

SAMM SACKS is a Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow at New America. Her research focuses on emerging information and communication technology (ICT) policies globally, particularly in China. She has worked on Chinese technology policy issues for over a decade, both with the U.S. government and in the private sector. She leads New America’s Data & Great Power Competition project, which looks at the relationship between geopolitics and emerging rules for who harnesses the value of data. She runs New America’s New York China Tech Roundtable series and is a frequent contributor to the DigiChina project, publishing translations and analysis of the latest developments in Chinese tech policy. Her reports and commentaries cover issues ranging from the U.S.-China technology relationship, the Chinese government’s technology ambitions, China’s cybersecurity regulatory environment (particularly data issues), and the global expansion of Chinese tech companies. Her research on how China’s data protection system referenced EU’s GDPR is widely cited as pivotal to understanding China’s emerging data regime. A former Fulbright scholar in Beijing, Sacks holds an M.A. from Yale University in international relations and a B.A. from Brown University in Chinese literature.

PAROMA SANYAL is a Senior Consultant at Brattle. She is an expert on competition, regulation, consumer protection, spectrum policy, and broadband data issues in the telecom industry. Prior to joining Brattle, she was the Chief Economist of the Federal Communications Commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. While at the FCC, Dr. Sanyal led the wireless agenda on economic analysis and policy, and widely consulted with the industry and other international regulators on various telecom issues. She worked extensively on the Wireless Competition Report; several high-profile telecom mergers such as AT&T/T Mobile, AT&T/Leap, and AT&T/DirecTV; USF-related issues, such as the Mobility Fund; and on the Fixed and Mobile Measuring Broadband America agenda. She had significant involvement in designing the FCC’s fixed and wireless speed measurement projects, broadband data collections, and data analysis. Dr. Sanyal received her Master’s in Economics from Delhi School of Economics, India and Master’s in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. in Economics from University of California, Irvine.

IAN SCOTT is Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. He supervises and directs the work and staff of the Commission, and he also chairs Commission meetings and participates in public hearings and consultations. Ian has over 25 years of policy and regulatory experience in broadcasting and telecommunications both in the public and private sectors. After working at the Competition Bureau, he joined the CRTC from 1990 to 1994, where he collaborated on the development of a framework for long-distance telephone service competition in Canada. Between 2007 and 2008, as part of the Executive Interchange Program, he was Senior Policy Advisor to the Chairman at the CRTC. Before rejoining the CRTC in 2017, Ian held various executive positions in the communications industry, including at Telesat Canada, Telus and Call-Net Enterprises, one of the first companies to offer competition in the Canadian long-distance market. He also provided leadership on broadcasting policy and regulatory issues as an executive at the Canadian Cable Television Association.

BENJAMIN SLIVKA co-founded DreamBox Learning in 2006 and sold it at a loss to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in 2010. Since 2013, Ben has invested in 16 start-up companies. 2 have been acquired for nice multiples and the other 14 companies are still going strong (5 software, 5 biotech, 3 hardware, 1 space launch). Ben spent 14 years at Microsoft (1985-1999), where he worked on OS/2, MS-DOS 6, Windows 95, the Java VM, and MSN. He started the Internet Explorer team in 1994 and led it through the release of IE version 3.0 in 1996. IE 3.0 and 4.0’s success emboldened the US Department of Justice to file an antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft in 1998. Ben was also deposed for seven other lawsuits as a Microsoft fact witness, covering product defect, class action certification, copyright, contract, and patent law. Ben spent one year at IBM (1982-1983). Ben joined in the fall of 1999, and in the first half of 2000 half the software engineers at the company were on his team. After “creative differences” with CEO/Founder Jeff Bezos, Ben decided to retire at age 40. Ben’s work at Microsoft and DreamBox Learning resulted in 22 issued U.S. patents. Ben and his wife Lisa created the Wissner-Slivka Foundation in 1997. Ben earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and a B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University in the early 1980s.

GEOFFREY STARKS was nominated to serve as a Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission by the President and was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on January 2, 2019. He was sworn into office on January 30, 2019. Commissioner Starks has a long career of public and private sector experience. These experiences inform his commitment to working to ensure that no American is left behind in this era of transformative innovation. Most recently, Commissioner Starks served as Assistant Bureau Chief in the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau, where he focused on protecting consumers, promoting network security, and preserving the integrity of the Commission’s Universal Service Fund programs. Previously, he served as Senior Counsel in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice where he provided advice on domestic and international law enforcement issues, including civil, criminal, and national security matters. At DOJ, he received the Attorney General Award for Exceptional Service—the highest award a DOJ employee can receive. Prior to his entry into federal public service, Commissioner Starks was an attorney at the law firm Williams & Connolly, clerked for the Honorable Judge Duane Benton on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, served as a legislative staffer in the Illinois State Senate, and worked as a financial analyst. Commissioner Starks earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College and a law degree from Yale Law School.

SHANE TEWS is President at Logan Circle Strategies, a strategic advisory firm. She is also a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where she works on international communications, technology and cybersecurity issues, including privacy, internet governance, data protection, 5G networks, the Internet of Things, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Previously, Ms. Tews managed internet security and digital commerce issues as vice president of global policy for Verisign Inc. She began her career in the George H. W. Bush White House as a deputy associate director in the Office of Cabinet Affairs and later moved to Capitol Hill as a legislative director for a member of Congress. She is currently vice chair of the board of directors of the Internet Education Foundation and co-chair of the Internet Governance Forum USA. Ms. Tews studied communications at Arizona State University and American University, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in general studies with an emphasis on communications and political science.

BRYAN TRAMONT is Managing Partner at Wilkinson Barker Knauer. Mr. Tramont offers strategic counsel to Fortune 100 companies and trade associations, as well as small and mid-sized telecommunications and media companies, on all aspects of communications law and regulation. Mr. Tramont serves on the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC), advising the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information at NTIA. Appointed under the Bush and Obama Administrations, he also served as the committee’s Co-Chairman from 2008-2010. In addition, Mr. Tramont is active in the Federal Communications Bar Association, where he served in a variety of leadership roles, including as President from 2010-11 and has been awarded the organization’s Distinguished Service Award. Mr. Tramont chairs the Federalist Society’s Telecommunications Practice Group Executive Committee, serves on the International Institute of Communications Canada Board of Directors, and previously served on the Governing Committee of the ABA Forum on Communications Law. He currently is an adjunct law professor at The Catholic University of America as part of the Communications Law Institute. Previously, Mr. Tramont served as Chief of Staff of the FCC under Chairman Michael Powell, where he managed all aspects of the agency’s operations and directed FCC staff in implementing all components of the agency’s policy portfolio including media, broadband, mobility, and traditional telephone services. Bryan Tramont graduated summa cum laude from George Washington University with a degree in political science. He earned his law degree from Yale Law School, where he served as editor of the Yale Law & Policy Review. 

HEIDI TWOREK is a Canada Research Chair (Tier II) and Associate Professor, jointly appointed at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and History at the University of British Columbia. She is an award-winning researcher of media, communications, health, platform governance, and international organizations. Tworek is co-editor of Journal of Global History. She is a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation as well as a non-resident fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Tworek’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Financial Times, CNN, CBC, and many other publications. She previously held the position of Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies and Lecturer in the History Department at Harvard University. Tworek received her B.A. in Modern and Medieval Languages with a double first from Cambridge University and earned her Ph.D. in History from Harvard University.

HAL R. VARIAN is the Chief Economist at Google. Since 2002 he has been involved in many aspects of the company, including auction design, econometric analysis, finance, corporate strategy and public policy. Hal also holds academic appointments at the University of California, Berkeley in three departments: business, economics, and information management. Hal is a fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, the Econometric Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was co-editor of the American Economic Review from 1987-1990 and holds honorary doctorates from the University of Oulu, Finland and the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. He has published numerous papers in economic theory, industrial organization, financial economics, econometrics and information economics. He is the author of two major economics textbooks which have been translated into 22 languages. He is the co-author of a bestselling book on business strategy, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy and wrote a monthly column for the New York Times from 2000 to 2007. He received his S.B. degree from MIT and his M.A, in mathematics and Ph.D. in economics from UC Berkeley. Hal has also taught at MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Michigan and other universities around the world.

SCOTT WALLSTEN is President and Senior Fellow at the Technology Policy Institute and also a senior fellow at the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy. He is an economist with expertise in industrial organization and public policy, and his research focuses on competition, regulation, telecommunications, the economics of digitization, and technology policy. He was the economics director for the FCC’s National Broadband Plan and has been a lecturer in Stanford University’s public policy program, director of communications policy studies and senior fellow at the Progress & Freedom Foundation, a senior fellow at the AEI – Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, an economist at The World Bank, a scholar at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and a staff economist at the U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisers. He holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University.

KAT WALSH is the General Counsel at Creative Commons. She was on the CC legal team 2012-2015 during the drafting and initial publication process of version 4.0 of the license suite and returned as Deputy General Counsel in 2021. She has a nearly 20-year history in the free and open culture movements, including many years on the boards of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Free Software Foundation, and has previously worked in library policy, technology startups, and online community management. Kat is an advocate for free access to knowledge and for CC licensing as part of the infrastructure for an internet that belongs to everyone. As General Counsel, she oversees the legal support for all aspects of CC’s activities, provides strategic input, leads the stewardship of CC’s legal tools, and advises the organization on new programmatic initiatives. When not practicing law, Kat is also a bassoonist, violist, choral singer, and powerlifter. She received her B.A. in music from Stetson University and a J.D. from George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School.

JENNIFER A. WARREN is Vice President, Civil & Regulatory Affairs (C&RA) for Lockheed Martin Corporation. In this capacity, she is responsible for leading the corporation’s U.S. Government civil customer relationships, outside of NASA and NOAA, as well as the corporation’s regulatory team engagement across the Executive Branch, Independent Agencies and Intergovernmental Bodies on Lockheed Martin programs, technologies and systems. The C&RA regulatory portfolio includes spectrum governance, 5G, commercial space, crewed/uncrewed aviation, ocean minerals, and emerging technologies. Ms. Warren serves on Federal Advisory Committees, including as an appointed member of NASA Advisory Council’s Regulatory Policy Committee, and has just completed serving as CoChair of the Department of Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC). Ms. Warren holds leadership positions in several professional / trade organizations, including the Boards of the Satellite Industry Association and the U.S. ITU Association. In 1996, Ms. Warren joined Lockheed Martin’s Space & Strategic Missiles Sector, and in 2001 she became part of LM Washington Operations. Prior to Lockheed Martin, she served in several senior roles at the FCC; before joining the U.S. Government, Ms. Warren worked for the Commission of the EU–both in Brussels, and in Washington, DC–with a focus on EU-U.S. trade. She received her BS in Languages and J.D. from Georgetown University and is a member of the Illinois State and D.C. Bars, the Federal Communications Bar Association, American Bar Association, and the Women’s Bar Association.

PHIL WEISER is Colorado’s Attorney General. As the state’s chief legal officer, Attorney General Weiser is committed to protecting the people of Colorado and building an innovative and collaborative organization that will address a range of statewide challenges, from addressing the opioid epidemic to reforming our criminal justice system to protecting our land, air, and water. Before running for office, Weiser served as the Hatfield Professor of Law and Dean of the University of Colorado Law School, where he founded the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship and co-chaired the Colorado Innovation Council. Weiser served as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the U.S. Department of Justice and as Senior Advisor for Technology and Innovation in the Obama Administration’s National Economic Council. He served on President Obama’s Transition Team, overseeing the Federal Trade Commission and previously served in President Bill Clinton’s Department of Justice as senior counsel to the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division, advising on telecommunications matters. Before his appointment at the Justice Department, Weiser served as a law clerk to Justices Byron R. White and Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the United States Supreme Court and to Judge David Ebel at the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Colorado.

KEVIN WERBACH is the Liem Sioe Liong/First Pacific Company Professor and chair of the Department of Legal Studies & Business Ethics at Wharton. He is a world-renowned expert on the business, legal, and public policy implications of emerging technologies such as digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. Werbach is the director of the Wharton Blockchain and Digital Asset Project. He co-led the review of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for the Obama Administration’s Presidential Transition Team and was employed as an expert advisor at both the FCC and the U.S. Department of Commerce. He founded the Supernova Group, a technology consulting firm, and for nine years hosted the Supernova executive technology conference. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he served on the Law Review, and summa cum laude from the University of California at Berkeley.

JOSHUA D. WRIGHT is University Professor and the Executive Director of the Global Antitrust Institute at Scalia Law School at George Mason University and holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Economics. On January 1, 2013, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Professor Wright as a Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), following his nomination by President Obama to that position. He rejoined Scalia Law School as a full-time member of the faculty in Fall 2015. Professor Wright also served on the editorial board of the Supreme Court Economic Review, the Antitrust Law Journal, and the International Review of Law and Economics. Professor Wright’s teaching and interests include Antitrust, Contracts, Administrative Law, Law and Economics, Intellectual Property and Antitrust, and Quantitative Methods. Professor Wright was awarded the Paul M. Bator Award by the Federalist Society in 2014. Wright previously served the Commission in the Bureau of Competition as its inaugural Scholar-in-Residence from 2007 to 2008, where he focused on enforcement matters and competition policy. Wright’s return to the FTC as a Commissioner marked his fourth stint at the agency, after having served as an intern in both the Bureau of Economics and Bureau of Competition in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Wright received his J.D. from UCLA in 2002, his Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 2003, and graduated with honors from the University of California, San Diego in 1998. He is a member of the California and DC Bar.

CHRISTOPHER S. YOO is the John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science and the Founding Director of the Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. Repeatedly recognized as one of the most cited scholars in administrative and regulatory law as well as intellectual property, his major research projects include studying innovative ways to connect more people to the Internet; using technology to inform how the law can promote optimal interoperability; promoting privacy and security for autonomous vehicles, medical devices, and the Internet’s routing architecture; comparing antitrust enforcement practices in China, Europe and the U.S.; and net neutrality. He is also building innovative integrated interdisciplinary joint degree programs designed to produce a new generation of professionals with advanced training in both law and engineering. ​Before entering the academy, Professor Yoo clerked for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the Supreme Court of the United States and Judge A. Raymond Randolph of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He also practiced law with the law firm of Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells) under the supervision of now-Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. He also served as a professor at the Vanderbilt Law School, where he led the Technology and Entertainment Law Program. ​Professor Yoo received his A.B. from Harvard, his M.B.A. from UCLA, and his J.D. from Northwestern University.

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