Lenard, Thomas M. and Stephen McGonegal. “The Streamlined Sales Tax Project: An Initiative Whose Time has Not Yet Come.” Milken Institute Review, May 2005.
All Publications
Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown
Lenard, Thomas M. “Wireless Philadelphia: A Leap Into the Unknown.” April 2005.
FERC’s New Regulatory Agenda
Lenard, Thomas M. “FERC’s New Regulatory Agenda.” Regulation Magazine, October 16, 2002.
FERC’s Flawed Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of Regional Transmission Organizations
Lenard, Thomas M. “FERC’s Flawed Assessment of the Benefits and Costs of Regional Transmission Organizations.” The Electricity Journal, May 2002.
Orbitz: An Antitrust Assessment
Adkinson, Jr., William F. and Thomas M. Lenard. “Orbitz: An Antitrust Assessment.” Antitrust, Spring 2002.